18. "well this isn't fair."

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Chapter eighteen

It was currently late at night and I was strolling around the house making sure all the windows were closed as there was a storm due. I could already hear the wind picking up outside.

It's been a couple of days since the Danny and Jeremy situations and I haven't left the house. I've avoided everyone. Except Damon, I cried out all my problems to him and then we drank hot chocolate and watched black and white movies whilst drinking booze. The good thing about being a vampire is you don't get drunk.

I closed the kitchen window as Stefan came in.

"You need to speak to Danny." He said. Oh yeah, I avoided telling them about Jeremy. I couldn't even say his name.

"I know...soon. I still ne-"

"Don't you think you've had enough time?" He smiles slightly.

I sigh and walk over to the freezer. "No." I replied bluntly. I take out a tub of ice cream and sit down at the bar.

"I just don't understand why he overreacted, it's not like him." I paused. "It's not like him!" I repeated. "Of course! He must be possessed or something? First thing tomorrow I'm going to see him." I said and stormed out of the kitchen, grabbing my ice cream before I left.

On my way to Danny's house the next day, I pass the grill. So I decide to nip in shortly. And as I predicted Jeremy sat in their with Anna. I slowly walk over to them.

Jeremy looks down at the vervain bracelet on his wrist, "You know, why don't you...why don't you keep this?" Wait, that's the vervain bracelet I got him. Ugh.

"Why would you give this to me?" She frowns, looking into his eyes with confusion.

"Because. You like it. And I like you." He said.

Anna leans back and smirks evilly, "You only like me because of what you want from me." She folds her arms.

"No. I... I like you." He stuttered.

"Um... You know, you should wear it. It looks better on you anyway."

I slide into the booth next to Anna. "She's right, it does look a lot better on you, since I chose it out for you." I snapped at Jeremy.

Anna glares at me, "I thought Elena gave it to him?"

"No, I made him think that." I glared at Jeremy.

"I don't want to talk to you right now Tori." Jeremy looked away.

I smirked, "but you do want to talk to me eventually. I'm not giving up on our friendship over her." I looked at Anna with disgust.

As she was about to talk, Damon and Elena walked into the Grill. They walked ver to us. "Er, have you seen Stefan? Elena asked.

I frowned, I looked at Damon. "No?" I said more as a question. "I saw him before I left this morning but that's it, why?"

"He's not answering any calls. He went out and never came back." Damon said with a worried tone.

I sighed. "He's a big boy, I'm sure he's fine." I rolled my eyes and turned back to Jeremy, but Damon grabbed my bicep and yanked me up and out. "Ow, ow ow." I said as he dragged me out of the grill. Once we were outside I yanked my arm out of his grip.

"What the hell?"

"We think Pearl has Stefan." Elena said.

My lips formed an 'o' position.

We arrive in the woods by the house Pearl and the tomb vampires are in. "Okay, stay here." Damon said as he climbed out. I climbed out to and was stopped by Damon standing in front of me. "Oh come on." I threw my arms up and slumped in the car.

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