8. "i'm 152."

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Chapter eight

I was currently sat in Sheriff Forbes office. Legs crossed and my hands nested on my lap. My foot tapping away on the floor. She was questioning us on Vicky's disappearance. Us, as in Jeremy, Elena, Matt, Stefan and I.

"So you have no idea where she is?" She asked me, eyeing me up.

"I have absolutely no idea, I'm new here and haven't really built up a relationship with her." I tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"Would you class her as friend?" She said writing down my previous answer.

"Not really...more of an acquaintance."

"What did you think of Vicky?"

"Well from what I've heard she seems OK." I lied. "And that she was a bit of a druggie, but that's my own opinion, honestly I don't really know anything else." I picked up my bag. "Can I go now?"

"Yes, thank you for your time, Tori." She said with no emotion whatsoever. I stood and passed Matt as he entered the room, I gave him a small nod and joined the others. We all sat in silence. I couldn't help but look at Jeremy. I couldn't believe I had to compel him to forget about me being a vampire. All he knows is that Vicky had left town, and he didn't know why.

Matt came out and the Sheriff told us we could go. Jenna was waiting outside for Elena and Jeremy.

"I'll meet you guys at the car." Elena told jenna.

"Ok." She replied.

"Jeremy wait." I said walking up to him, he gestured to Jenna that he would meet her at the car. "How are you coping?" I smiled softly.

He sighed. "I'm not entirely sure, I'm gonna miss her, but whatever she left for, is for the best." He smiled.

"Always think positive Jer." I hugged him and joined Stefan and Elena.

"Thank you." Stefan said.

"I can't do this Stefan. Every time I look at Matt or Jeremy, all I think is that Vicky is never gonna come back. And they'll never know why. Around you people get hurt and people die. I can't I just... it's just too much...." Elena told Stefan, of course she will react like that, especially after last night.

Stefan, deep inside was panicking I could tell, he frowned, "Why don't we go somewhere and talk about it?"

Elena shook her head. "No, Stefan you have to stay away from me." She said walking off. I looked at my Uncle and raised a brow.

"She'll come round. When the guy she likes comes out that he's a vampire, she reacted like any normal human being would. Just give her time." I patted him on the shoulder.

Stefan and I made our way over to the grill and we had a few drinks to celebrate his birthday, 162 today. We talked mainly about the weather and school, but I lost the will to live and now I'm currently driving to Jeremy's house, bored.

I pulled up and I heard them talking from outside.

"You didn't get a brush-off e-mail say: "I'm leaving town. See ya."" Jenna said.

"Wanna keep it down over there?" Jeremy perked up.

"Why? What are you doing?" She asked back.


"Since when do you do homework?" Elena asked.

"I gotta finish this. I'm way behind and I have a quiz tomorrow so..." That made me chuckle but it also made me realise that I had that quiz too.

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