9. "you like him."

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Chapter nine

"Good morning sleeping beauty!" Said a cheery voice. I groaned and turned onto my side ignoring whoever it is. "Now, you don't want to be late to school, do you?"

"Leave me alone!" I groaned again.

"Well we'll have to do it the hard way." Suddenly I felt like my skin was burning. I screamed and zoomed out of bed into a corner. My dad had my bracelet in his hand.

"Damon!" I've decided to call him damon from now on, I don't know I just like the way it rolls of your tongue.

He shrugged and chucked me the bracelet which I caught perfectly. I rolled my eyes and shooed him out of the room so I could get a shower and changed for school.

Once showered I changed into dark skinny jeans, a black laced, three quarter sleeved top with a blue vest over the top, brown boots, a brown satchel and some big black earrings. I curled my hair also.

I left the house at eight exactly and slowly made my way to school. It took me ten minutes and soon I was arriving in the car park. It was a normal day and it's like nothing ever happened last night.

I walked by myself down the corridors being shoved by people running to there classes as the bell went five minutes ago. I was getting to the point where I was nearly falling over. But then one larger kid shoved me and I went flying backwards landing on my back. And now no one was in the corridor...great.

"Hey...are you okay?" A unfamiliar voice said from behind me. I just continued to lay there, frustrated. The boy walked around me and looked over me. My eyes widened. This boy was attractive. His hair was blonde and it was the type that you wanted to run your hands through and his eyes were a piercing shade of blue.

"No...I think I've broken my arm." I dramatically grasped it. The boy laughed and offered me his hand. I gladly took it. The boy just kind of stared at me for a while and I blushed, biting my lip and looking down at the floor.

"Oh, sorry, I'm Danny, new here." He offered his hand.

I took it and shook it. "Victoria, but call me Tori, call me Vicky and you're my dinner, seriously." I smirked.

The boy frowned as if he knows something but smiled. "I'm guessing you don't like someone called Vicky." He chuckled.

"I used to, but she's dead now." I shrugged.

"Oh..." He laughed awkwardly.

"Car accident." I nodded.

"Oh." He repeated. "Hey what class are you heading too?"


"Oh same, you must be in my class."

I guided him down the corridor to our classroom, I wondered who's going to be our new teacher since I killed Tanner...oops. When we entered the classroom all the girls mouths dropped at the sight of Danny. For some reason I felt...jealous. I lead him over to the empty seat next to me.

A man walked in, in his early thirties maybe? He banged his bag on the desk getting everyone's attention. "Alaric Saltzman. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, I know. So you can call me Rick. I'm your new history teacher." He smiled. He sounded fun.

"I want you to meet some people." I said to Danny. I spotted Elena and Bonnie sat at a table near the bus parks. "Come on."

Danny nodded and followed me. We reached the table and I stood in between the girls. "Hey." I said.

Elena looked up. "Hey Tori, how's Stefan coping, where is he today?" She said with a warm smile.

"Stefan is...managing, he's a bit down but he will cope, and he should be coming in shortly." I shrugged.

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