16. "your pathetic love life."

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Chapter sixteen

I got Jeremy home safely that night, he only suffered with a mild concussion which soon wore off. As for the Katherine situation, it turned out she wasn't even in the tomb, so now Damon's a mess. He's lost his one and only true love, ugh barf!

Currently I was sat on my way home from school, and I could hear the music loud and clear coming from my house. I rolled my eyes, I knew what it was going to be like in there, let's just say damon never had a good way of getting over something easily.

I pushed the door open and the smell of human blood hit me, I inhaled the smell. Oh it smelt so good. I mentally slapped myself, shut up Tori, get over yourself.

I walked into the main room to find damon dancing with three girls, they were covered in bite marks.

"Oh hey, lovely daughter of mine, care for some dinner?" He smirked before taking another bite into the closest girl, she moaned with pleasure as she pushed herself into him.

I shook my head to clear the disturbing sight and walked over to the sound system. I switched it off by pulling the plug out of its socket.

"Why do you have to be such a party pooper?" Damon moaned. Yet again I rolled my eyes.

I walked over to the girls. "Go and clean yourselves up and leave, forget this ever happened, you all disgust me." I spat at them. All of them nodded at the same time as the compulsion hit them. They all scurried away.

"God! When will you start acting like my dad again!" I shouted at him.

"Well, excuse me." He slurred and out his hand on his waist, he took a swig of the vodka. "It's not my fault Katherine wasn't in the tomb."

I snatched the bottle off him and threw it at the wall. "Why couldn't you of just ordered pizza or something, and cry about your pathetic love life instead of hurting innocent college girls!" I snapped before storming out of the house.

I reached the town centre and I collapsed onto a bench, I hate my life.

I heard footsteps coming towards me. I frowned at the sight, there was a man who looked very lost, and certainly not from this era. I felt like I knew him from somewhere. He walked past me and up to a woman who I certainly recognised.


Anna's mum.

She made eye contact at me and smirked.

This was weird, I had to get out of here. As I was crossing the road, a mini pulled up in front of me. I looked to see Elena in the driving seat.

"Oh hey Elena, nice wheels." I grinned.

She smiled. "Would you mind coming with me somewhere, I didn't want Stefan to come, because he'd say it was a stupid idea." She muttered.

I folded my arms amused. "And where's that?"

"An old friend of my birth mom." She whispered. I shrugged and got in the passenger seat.

"So this is wear you're mum lives?" I frowned as we pulled up to a medium sized house.

"No, her friend...apparently." Elena corrected me, I nodded. We climbed out of the car and Elena lead the way. We stopped outside the front door and it took a while for Elena to finally compose herself. I would of knocked for her because she took so long, but I understood that this was a sensitive topic to her.

After a few minutes the door opened to reveal a middle aged woman with blonde curly hair. She looked at the two of us, confused.

"Trudie? Tru-trudie Peterson?" Elena stuttered.

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