The Worst Day (Part One)

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A new upload is here. I apologise in advanace about how muddled up this chapter is I feel like I've over packed it - but there is a purpose! I swear!

Anyway as always comments and votes are appreciated but most of all PLEASE ENJOY::

Chapter Twenty-Three


“Willow Jamison.” My head lifted at the sound of my name being called out from the front of the class. I’d been completely lost in my own thoughts and from the disapproving look on my teacher’s face he was fully aware of it.

“How about you go and fetch the textbooks for the class?” He suggested holding up the keys for the supply closet. “Or would you prefer to keep on daydreaming?” He added sarcastically.

I gave a small sheepish wince at being singled out as I stood to my feet, walking up to the front of the class.

When I reached the front there was a loud thump followed by a hoot of laughter behind me, making me turn back around just in time to see Spencer laughing at his friend who was leant over clutching his funny bone.

“Spencer Scott.” Our teacher said flatly. “Rather than causing such a ruckus how about you make yourself useful and help Miss Jamison with the books?”

“As if that’s a punishment.” I heard one of the girls scoff from the front of the class, just to the right of where I was standing.

Spencer made no move to argue as he stood to his feet, his eyes catching mine for a moment as he walked to stand with me at the front of the class. The teacher handed him the key and then hurried us both out of the classroom.

“Be back in five minutes.” He warned us, as he opened the classroom door for us.

I felt awkward as Spencer and I made our way silently down the corridor. I didn’t even look in his direction as I stared at the ground. I hadn’t ever really talked to Spencer much before I met Derek, but since I’d started dating his stepbrother Spencer and I had gone from barely talking to not talking at all.

“So you and my brother, huh?” Spencer spoke up just as we were reaching the corridor with the supply closet.

“What?” I asked.

“You. And my stepbrother. Dating.” He clarified. “It’s weird don’t you think?”

I felt my shoulders tense slightly. “Not really.” I said, my voice coming out more stiff than I’d intended.

Why did everyone think it was so weird that Derek and I were dating?

Spencer turned to look at me. “Really you don’t think it’s even a little weird that you kept refusing to go out with me – but after knowing my brother for a few weeks you start dating him?”

I frowned. Where was this conversation even going?

“Look I’m sorry about that. I am. But you had to notice that we never would have worked as a couple.” I said pointing between him and me. “Sure I’ve only known him a few weeks but I really like Derek. He’s…” I tried looking for the right word. “Different I guess.”

He didn’t even look effected by my words. “We could have worked as a couple. More than you and Derek anyway.”

I felt my irritation flare. “Derek and I work just fine.” I said tautly.

Spencer titled his head so that he was looking down at me, head on. “Come off it. Willow. I’ve known you a long time, and I’ve known Derek even longer. You two have nothing in common. You thrive in social situations, and Derek shies from them.”

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