Horrible Food

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This chapter is dedicated to wonderlandismyhome99 <3 I hope you had a great birthday and sorry this chatper has taken so long :P

Also thank you to everyone reading this story - I've been recieving so much feedback and it's been really helpful!

soo.....I'M FINALLY TAKING THIS STORY OFF OF 'SLOW UPDATES' because I plan to update it a lot more regularly than every once a few months like I have been recently! :)

As always votes and comments are greatly appreciated, but most of all PLEASE ENJOY:

Part Two


Chapter Nineteen


Willow’s POV:


“Whoa. Way to take initiative on Mission Derek.” Jenny said looking down at me in wonderment after I finished telling both her and Chrissie about what had happened at Derek’s house.

“I’m going to be honest I didn’t know you had it in you.” Chrissie agreed looking impressed.

Jenny nodded her head in agreement. “I thought for sure I was going to have to commence with plan ice.”

I frowned a little. “Plan Ice?” I asked a little warily.

She puffed out her chest in pride. “Like it? I thought of the name myself. It’s quite genius.”

“Such modesty.” Chrissie said sarcastically, whilst rolling her eyes.

Jenny ignored the comment. “Ice is short for isolation.” She explained with a grin. “Want to hear the details?” She asked.

“Uh…” I honestly didn’t know if I did.

“The plan basically consisted of locking you two in a room until you started making out.” Chrissie said lacking the enthusiasm Jenny had for the idea. “She came up with it whilst watching Failure to Launch.”

“You missed the part where we locked them in a walk in freezer. Not room.” Jenny continued giving Chrissie the stink eye for her bland retelling of her plan of self-proclaimed pure brilliance.

“You don’t even know where to find a walk in freezer.” Chrissie shot down the idea.

“Doesn’t matter – it totally made the idea, because one it made the name Plan Ice a thousand times cooler, pun intended, and two it gave them more reason to snuggle up to each other which is what leads to them making out in the first place.” She said smugly.

“You realise your certifiable, right?” Chrissie asked her.

Jenny frowned moodily, and I rolled my eyes at the pair of them, turning to put my bag inside my locker as they hashed it out between them.

I kind of wish I was with Derek right now – but I didn’t want to be one of those girls that ditched their friends as soon as they got a boyfriend.


The word sent a thrill through me.

Derek’s my boyfriend now.

I’d never felt so excited to call any guy that before.

I was broken out of my thoughts by a loud laugh. Turning my head I frowned at Jenny and Chrissie who were both sharing very amused looks.

“What?” I asked cautiously.

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