Chapter 8

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Cole's POV

There was one thing about Nichole. She was really clingy. Now I think bringing her here was a really bad idea.

Its been almost a week since I last saw Lily and I was missing her. Her rude remarks, bad jokes, her beautiful smile. I missed everything about her.

The only way I could see her was when I stood at my balcony. She was always there with a book up her nose and she looked so cute just sitting there.

But for the past two days I haven't seen her there and its really heart breaking. Its not like I have feelings for her. No don't get me wrong. I just enjoy her presence that's all.

Keep lying to yourself Cole. Your heart knows the truth.

My subconscious said and I threw the glass in my hand on the wall. What I did woke Nichole up. I groan inwardly.

"Babe, what's wrong? "She asks me.

I just kept looking at her. I had nothing to say. She came closer to me and wrapped her hands around me.

"You know you can tell me anything right. If there's something bothering you, tell me. "She says leaning her head on my shoulder. i sigh.

"There's nothing wrong babe. "I tell her. I don't know if that convinced her not but she didn't say anything.

I lifted her head up and kissed her. She kissed me back with equal hunger. She leans back on the bed and I lay on top of her without breaking the kiss. Her hand reached for the hem of my shirt and she pulled it up, I broke the kiss so I could help her take it off. Finally rid of the shirt. I go back to kissing her. From her lips, to showering little kisses down her neck.

She pulled at my hair and that urged me to go on. While I was still showering her with kisses, I use my hands to take her top of. Leaving her in only her bra.

I kissed from her neck down to the valley of her breasts. I pulled back because I couldn't continue. Every time we were this close, I always pulled back.

She looked at me with irritation showing on her face. I couldn't please her the way she wanted and she was very annoyed.

"What the fuck Cole? " I sit up right without answering her.

"You do this every fucking time. Why did you invite me here, if you knew you wouldn't be able to have sex with me. " she was shouting now and I was getting annoyed. I stood up from the bed and put on my shirt. She kept ranting and ranting but I paid her no mind till she said something that quickly angered me.

"Is it because of that bitch. The one we saw the other day. Do you think I don't notice every time you're watching her from the window. I see all those things but I don't fucking talk. What does she have that I don't huh? Because of that stupid little bitch........... "

"Never call her that. " I say to her cutting her off. Shock was written on her face before she grinned wickedly.

"I shouldn't call her a bitch. I would because that's what she is. A stupid cunning little bitch. She's a bitch cos she stole you from me!!  " she continued shouting and I had enough already.

I pulled her up, shoved her shirt in her hands and looked her straight in the eye.

"Get the fuck out my house. I never want to see you again. "I told her calmly. She seemed really hurt but I didn't care one bit.

She was crying now and it angered me even more.

"I said get out! "I said raising my voice and she scurried out of my room. She was standing at the doorway thinking I'd probably let her in. I slammed the door in her face.

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