Chapter 5

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Lily's POV

"Hey pumpkin. " Dad says to me and kisses my cheek. Currently I'm in the living room with Mason. We are watching reruns of iCarly.

I smile at him. "Hey dad. "

"Yo pops. " Mason says to him. He chuckles and ruffles Masons hair.

"Hey kiddo. " Dad says to him.

"So grandma said I should inform you both that Olivia and Cole would be coming over for dinner. " he says and I swear my heart stopped. Mason doesn't even seem bothered about it while I'm mentally freaking out.

"Why? " I ask without thinking. I mentally face palm myself.

"Because she thinks its a good way for us to get to know each other. "Dad says before leaving the room. This is gonna be a disaster because I can't stand him and I have only met him three good times. Mason noticing my hesitation decides its a good time to laugh at me.

I glare at him and he stops.

"Sis, its just a dinner. Why you acting so glum about it. " I didn't want him to know that Coles presence bothers me so I just shrug.

"Well its a good thing he's coming over because I would really love for him to tell me bout motorcycles and stuff. " Masons says grinning.

He sounded so happy about it. It made my heart melt. My brother didn't really have friends because no one liked associating with him because he was smarty pants. But seeing as he likes Cole so much, I guess I have to tolerate his ass.

This is gonna be a long evening.

It was almost time for dinner and I was nervous.

I had settled for a black denim jacket and a yellow sundress and let my hair down for once.

The alarm from my phone notifies me that its time to head downstairs. Taking one last glance in the mirror. I head downstairs.

As I walk down the stairs i hear everyone talking and laughing. They must be here already. Making my presence known I scan the room for an available sit and the only one I find is opposite Cole.

Just great.

My subconscious mocks.

Why does life have to be like this. When I'm trying to avoid him, I have to sit directly opposite him so that awkward eye contact will be made? I groan inwardly and take a sit.

All eyes are on me now because I chose to walk in when everyone had already settled in.

"Hey Lily". He says curtly. I froze immediately, I mean why would he openly talk to me like that with everyone here like we usually talk or something and when it is very obvious we don't really like each other. Now I have to say something.

Think Lily! Think! What do I say now? Arrghhhhh!
Giving a fake smile I settle with a wave and greet Olivia his grandmother before she went with grandma to the garden at the back.

Everyone is eating now Including me and its very silent and awkward because I can feel his eyes boring holes into me.

I look at him with a questioning look but he goes back to eating.


When I actually look at him very well I can see he's wearing that strange jacket from earlier. A part of me wants to find out what the jacket is for but the other part just doesn't care.

I go back to eating and that's when dad speaks up.

"So Cole I hear you'd be going to college soon. "Cole raises his head to look at my dad and he drops his fork.

"Yes Mr Reinhart. " my dad chuckles at that.

"I think Damien is fine son".

Mom stood up and asked if anyone would like dessert. Knowing me I'd say yes but tonight I didn't feel like it. Mason said yes of course. He can never turn down dessert. He still has that sweet tooth he had when he was a kid.

Even Cole said yes to dessert.

"What of you sweetie? " mom said to me.

"I'll pass mom. " she looked at me with a worried expression but she didn't say anything else.

"I think I'm fine with Mr Reinhart. " Cole finally said to dad.

"If you say so son. "Dad says.

Mom walked in with chocolate fudge and my mouth waters at the sight. I wished I never said no to it. Mason was so excited that he quickly rushed his first plate then the second and I thought he was gonna die of overfeeding.

"Bro take it easy. Do you wanna kill yourself or something? " I ask laughing. Even Cole was laughing now. That's the first time I'm seeing him laugh and I think he became more beautiful doing that.

"You can't blame me. I love fudge. " Mason says still stuffing his mouth.

I snort.

"Better take it easy there or we'll have to call a pick up truck to pick you up. " I laughed at my own joke but the rest of them just kept looking at me like I automatically grew two heads.

"What? " I ask all of them.

"You're really bad at making jokes. Even the simplest ones. " Cole says to me and everyone laughs, including me because he was right.

"Well its not like there are schools that teach this things. " I say.

"I could always teach you. " he says, staring at me.

"Oh please, like you can ever make a good joke. " I say casually.

"We'd just have to see. " he says smirking. What's up with this guy.

We were all done eating and I volunteered to do the dishes. Mason went up to his room and Mom and dad also headed up to theirs and I haven't still seen grandma. So its just me and Cole.

I wonder why he hasn't left yet." Are you doing the dishes now or later?

"No I'm just going to leave the dishes to wash themselves". I say sarcastically. He raised his left eyebrow before answering.

"So you are good at sarcasm but you're bad at making small jokes". Who does he think he is? I honestly would really love to wipe that stupid smirk off his face by punching him but instead I just say, "Whatever".

I wonder why he was making conversation or even insinuating he wanted to help with the dishes. I mean he was rude at first or I guess that was because I was rude first.

Why was I so rude? I mean he never really did anything to me. I don't know why I always have the urge to be rude to him.

Its probably because you are nervous around him and you don't know how to act when you are around him.

My subconsciousness mocked.

Why was he even acting like Santa Claus all of a sudden? Asking to help out with stuff and all.

He never said he was going to help though

My subconsciousness reminds me.

"Lily? Did you hear me at all? "
"Huh?" I had been so caught up in my thoughts I hadn't realized he was still talking.

"I asked if I could help with the dishes and I repeated twice." He says. "I'm sorry I wasn't listening, you can help with the dishes if you want".

We both walk into the kitchen to wash the dishes.


This is probably the longest chapter I have ever written. Anyways I wanted to give a shout out to my girl who has been helping me out with this book since the beginning 💖💖💖💯. Joanese15

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