Chapter 13

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Lily's POV

I woke up to a strange noise ringing beside me. It was really annoying. I turned to the side and it was my alarm. When did I set that? I couldn't even remember.

I stood up from the bed and turned it off. I looked towards the couch at the side of my room and I smiled. I usually did this. Stare at the couch and smile because he slept there. I think I was turning bat shit crazy.

He's probably at home with that girl and I'm here thinking about him. I'm so stupid.

I take my toiletries and head into the bathroom. I took a quick bath and wrapped a towel around me.

I tied one around my hair too cos I shampooed the shit out of it.

I walk to my closet and bring out a black boyfriends jeans and a yellow long sleeved vintage shirt. I decided not to wear anything too fitted today.

I walked to the full length mirror. I undid the towel on my hair, then blow dried it. After that I brushed my hair and let it flow freely around my back. I'm usually more of a pony tail person but I decided on a change.

When I was done, I grabbed the novel that was on my bed. It was named after. It was like my favorite book. I had read it before but I wanted to read it again.

I went out of the room to grab something to eat first. Grandma and Mason were watching a TV show I couldn't recognize.

"Hey grandma, hey Mase. " I said to the both of them.

They turned towards my direction. Grandma smiled at me. "How are you sugar? " she asked me. I smiled back.

"I'm fine granny. " I said to her. Mason just simply nodded. I left them both and went to the kitchen to grab something to it.

I opened the fridge and brought out the carton of milk, then a box of cereal from the top shelf.

This was my favorite cereal. Munchies. Most people didn't like it but I didn't care. It was the best to me.

I quickly ate it and cleaned up. I looked back at the living room and they were still watching the TV. I'm not sure they'll even notice I left.

I went out the back to my favorite spot in the whole house. The tree. Before I left I grabbed a bottle of orange juice and a bag of potato chips.

I knew I'd be here for a while so I brought myself something to eat in case I got hungry.

Any time I came here I'd always admire the tree first before sitting down. I sat down and started reading.


Almost an hour later I was in the middle of the book when someone was coming towards my direction. I thought it was Mason and I motioned with my hands for him to leave me alone but the person chuckled instead.

And it wasn't Mason. I slowly looked up to find Cole staring at me with a grin on his. What was he doing here? Shouldn't he be with little miss perfect. I thought to myself.

"Hey. " he said to me.

"Hey. " I said back. I was pissed. Why? Oh yeah because he left without telling me. He sat down without asking and he was too close for my liking.

"Mind moving a bit. " I said to him with a poker face. He shook his head. Deciding to just ignore him, I continue with my book.

Five minutes later he nudges me with his elbow. I look at him.

"Are you angry with me? " he asked.

Was I? I wasn't sure. "No. Why would I be? " I asked back.

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