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The introductions were short and sweet, I already knew their names and had a vague idea of what they looked like anyway thanks to Aurora, but the way they eyed me up made me feel a little more on edge… I’m not sure if it was a good thing or bad thing but I kept my mouth shut and head down. Aurora wanted to talk to Roman in private; I assumed it was to go over details that she learned about the pending attack, so I decided that I would tour the castle a bit. I needed to get used to the environment that I was going to live in for the next six months. The place still felt cold and empty to me, but maybe that was because I wasn’t near Dante… the man I loved.

  As I wandered through the vast halls I searched the walls, there were so many pictures of this family that it made my head spin. If my dad had been accepted here… would we be on this wall in time? The picture that was of my mother must have been decades old as she was dressed in a very old fashioned frock… and she did not smile or even look happy. I reached up and touched the frame; the dust that cached it was astonishing, a huge clump of it rubbed off on my finger. Shaking and tutting I continued onward, it didn’t feel right here.

“Are you lost?” a voice echoed behind me, I spun around to see the twins holding hands and staring at me.

“No I am fine thank you” I muttered back to them before turning back around. As I began to walk I felt a hand press down on my shoulder, jumping I spun back around to stare at them both with frightened eyes.

“Sorry” Nina chuckled, Nikki remained silent as per usual.

“You nearly gave me a heart attack” I breathed, slamming my hand to my chest “Are you ok Nikki? You’re really quiet”

“Yes, I’m fine. Thank you”

“She is always quiet; it’s just the way we are. I don’t know if my little sister explained to you or not. But we are known as the celestials’ because of how opposite we are. I am warm, bubbly, friendly and outgoing. Nikki here is quiet, restrained, conserved and very intellectual. We were also born with a blessing and curse, we can see into the future. She sees all badness and I see nothing but good. We draw strength from the moon and sun. Aside from the doppelganger child and the Key… we are the only Vampires in this realm with a gift.”

“Wow” I breathed “That’s… well that’s quite something”

“Yes. Now if you would like to follow us… we have something that needs to be done”

  I followed them along the halls, the twins walked side by side and did everything in unison. Should the one laugh then the other did the same. They were linked by mind, body and soul in a sense… but to know that they could predict the futures of the lost souls in this world… it was frightening. We reached their room, I was about to follow them inside when they both stopped and turned to face me

“If you enter, you agree to us foretelling your future… are you sure you want that?”

“What do you mean?” I asked them and they both looked at each other before  sharing a giggle

“You’ll be told certain aspects of your future, like per say… the whole doppelganger prophecy and what you will be required to do?” Nina was deliberately trying to lure me in… it was working, I really wanted to know what was going to happen, it wasn’t fair that this was all going to be thrown on me.

“Sure” I smiled at her “ it can’t be much worse than finding out that everything in your life was both a cover up and lie” Nina nodded at me, grabbed Nikki’s hand and lead the way into their room.

  The entire place reflected their personalities, there were two beds dead in the centre of the room… but the room was split into two colours and moods, Nikki’s side of the room was a mixture of violet, navy blue and blue with subtle hints of gold scattered along the wall which I guessed were meant to represent stars because when I looked over to Nina’s side of the room, there were clouds in the stars place, her side was painted a mixture of light blues, greens, pale yellow and Rose. Nikki’s side spelt out that it was more practical and intellectual whereas Nina’s side practically screamed that it was creative and fun… these two really were different, way  to follow the myth of twin’s guys!

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