Blood and War

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She looked at him with pure excitement, sweat dripped from her forehead as she stalked towards him. Creeping low on all fours, she was now the ultimate predator. I wasn't sure what it was that I was meant to do other than watch her. I turned to the boys, but they just looked on, there faces resembled stone as they watched her. Tatiana was meant to be the predator out of us two, I knew that,yet a strange feeling erupted in me.. I wanted to rip this man apart, I didn't know him and I didn't know if he was an actual threat. But a deep instinct told me that this was a hunt, and he.. he was our prey.

Tatiana pounced high in the air and landed directly on him, he didn't even have time to make a sound before she broke his neck and stood up,

“Clear” she muttered “Move” she ordered to us, and without a word we were moving. She gathered us all in a group and muttered something to Seth and not a moment later, there was a blur where he stood. She then moved a little closer to me and whispered softly to me “You know what to do, you are going to be the perfect decoy. Go through the front gates” my eyes widened at the shock of her command but the sheer determination in her eyes made me realise what it was that she meant. I could control fire. I could burn them all to a crisp. I darted like a bullet towards the castle, the only thing that swept through my mind.. was my mother. I prayed that she was safe.. for the first time in a long time. I prayed.

Just before I reached the castle, I stopped dead in my tracks and climbed the nearest tree. Surveying the area would give me a better understanding of what I was going to expect. The area remained as it always looked, calm and serene. The only difference was that there were less trees now. A rustling below me probably meant that the others had gone past. I did not panic, but remained calm and flew across the air, it slashed and sliced at me skin and strangely enough.. it felt wonderful. I landed toward the front of the castle.. what was I meant to do now? Tats assumed that I was going to be this perfect decoy, but what she actually expected me to do was what? Scream something like “hello! I'm right here Mr.. whoever you are.. open the gates and let me in” because that totally wouldn't get me killed now would it. I had to be careful about this, one wrong move could either stuff up her plan that she didn't really talk through with anyone, but also, more importantly, it could get me killed.

I looked around me, looked up and even looked back at the gates. I just didn't know what to do. I placed my hand on the gates and gave it a little push.. it was too heavy even for me to push it. My arm being to itch and to burn before cooling, and within seconds.. I was ablaze. I was not in any pain, but rather a rush of adrenaline came over me. The flames disappeared and a loud hissing noise surrounded me. I felt a surge of power that erupted from my very core. I allowed it to swallow me before focussing it all to my arms and legs so that I may push the gates open. There was a loud screech and within a minuet or two, they were open. I smiled with pure delight as I walked within the grounds.

It was peaceful within' the grounds, not even a ghost would make this place feel less empty. The ground crunched beneath my feet and the air felt cool yet dead. There was no indication that there was life anywhere here. I didn't want to assume the worst of my ever expanding family... but there was just no reason to believe any of them was even alive. I jogged on, not wanting to waste any more precious time, and just like that, I was there. I came to an abrupt halt and gazed upward at the castle. My eyes widened when I looked closer, all along the windows were splatters of blood. My stomach began to churn and I began to feel a mixture of both rage and fear... what had happened here?

I ran through the doors with an almighty crash, not caring if I gave away that I was here or not. I froze on the spot and toned my senses to listen carefully to everything, there was a mixture of hushed voices coming from upstairs, probably wondering what the noise was. Not caring if it was friends or foe I charged up the stairs with my whole body feeling like it was ablaze with a pure rage. The voices ceased when they saw me, two women who were hiding in the corner of the room, they froze with sheer fear when they saw me. The look in their eyes made me stop on that spot.. it reminded me of when I was that mixed up kid that was getting beaten by bullies for something I couldn't even remember doing

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