The End or the Beginning

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We stared at each other for a while, her face hardened but her eyes pleaded. She was unsure on whether to say anything at all, was it the natural mothering instinct? ... or was it something else entirely?
"Well?" I said, I was starting to get very impatient.
"Victoria.. it's just very hard to.."
"To say what? To tell me what the hell has happened? What the hell has happened to both me and Tatiana? Why on earth she was this mystical twin inside of me all these years? Why my father was called the Key?Why was he murdered? Why was it so important for him to die!?" The last one was filled with pure rage and I found it hard to breathe after my little outbreak.. but the whole entire thing made me feel so angry, I still didn't understand any of it.. or was it a case that maybe I simply wasn't meant to understand.

"Sweetie.." she sighed as she walked towards me, placing both her hands on my arms as she spoke softly "I love you.. now.. let me see where I can begin..walk with me?" she asked, holding one arm out to the hallway, I nodded softly and we began to walk.
"Now then, let's start at the beginning.. You were meant to be born as Victoria Stryder, but that was only if my plan for a long happy family worked out, but the humans had other ideas and killed him in cold blood.. so you were Victoria Romanovski.. I did leave it in a note that came with you,but I'm guessing the humans who took you in.. also got rid of that too."
"I didn't know you existed" I muttered
"True, but well.. your father was a special being called 'The Key', and they have the ability to do.. pretty much anything, some say that they can even see beyond death.. or something like that. Your father told me that if I were to conceive a child with him, there's a chance that he could bring the balance between the Vampires and Humans out of sync..meaning that you would be our savior"
"So not too much pressure then.." I scowled
"But, when your father was killed,that whole process was killed, or so the humans thought.. for I was carrying you at the time he was murdered.. but they didn't see me as too much of a threat, yes they still wanted me dead because of who I was, but they didn't succeed. I gave birth to you. I gave you up and I hoped you would never be dragged into any of this... but a year or two back, the twins made a prediction.. they saw YOU in that vision,standing under the moon which shone brighter than the sun itself..and then they saw your twin.. after that they had three more prediction's, either that you would die, she would die or you both would save us"
My mind spiraled to Tatiana, how I was able to contact her when she technically didn't exist. I thought she was going to be nothing more than something in my head.
"Then why didn't they come after me when this whole attack happened?" I asked
"In all honestly, I just don't know.. I thought they had captured you and that was why you had left. When Dante explained that you had escaped into the forest way before they arrived.. I just assumed you were safe. When they attacked us, I protected my families home. They had to come first as they were in the most danger. The twins were captured and there was next to nothing we could do because of the scale of the attack.. then something strange happened, we felt more stronger than we ever have before."
"That could be because Daniel.. my father, came to us" I explained as I watched her eyes widen and her jaw drop "Before you say it, no I am not going crazy, even if this whole situation is.. he came to both of us,and a bunch of things happened. Long story short, both Tatiana and I are stronger now, more equipped and ready to kill these sons of bitches that almost destroyed everything. Do you have even the faintest clue who started this attack or even where the twins are?"
"No" was all that she said.

I walked away from her at that point, too frustrated to look at her. So much had happened in such a short time. I didn't even have the faintest clue as to how all of this happened or even why, there seemed to be so much unanswered for. The twins were captured for their powers, but they didn't have the ones they were after any more... we had them.
'Having fun with Mother?' Tats snidely said in my mind
'Not really no.. you should get here.. maybe you can get the answers I can't.. but how did you know anyway?' I asked her in return
'You are a really loud thinker..' she crudely muttered, I could almost picture the smirk on her face as she said it'Presides, I am more likely to attack her with all this built up rage.. not the nicest thing in the world to say about your mother I know before you say anything, but I just cannot be the happy little daughter that I am presuming she wants' I sighed at the last part, not wanting her to feel like that at all, but it was very understandable.
'Would you be willing to at least give her a chance?' I asked, who knows? Maybe it could do them both some good. At that exact moment, my mother placed her hand on my shoulder and I jumped slightly, not expecting the sudden contact. Tats didn't answer my question and so I was forced to press on.
I ran through the rest of the building with such an incredible speed,searching each and every room that I came across just in case there were more of them in the building, I could not afford to leave anyone here. It struck me that a not so long ago I would have sworn against hurting anyone... let alone killing anyone, simply for the fact of what I had been through when I thought I was a human, but something changed in me. Maybe it was because I had finally found my family...or maybe it was even simply because this was my home and I wasn't going to let anyone destroy that. I closed my eyes and focused on Dante,

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