The ball

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It was the day of the ball. I couldn’t think straight all day. Waiting to be in a room surrounded by Vampires was more nerve-wracking, than when I tried to commit suicide. As the final hour dawned I was rushed to my room where I would be pampered and primed to give a false persona that I was indeed a full-bred Vampire.

  I was dressed in a floor length black dress which neatly squeezed my figure, black gloves that were up to my elbows which I was not permitted to take off; also I wore black two inch heels to match. Part of my hair was done up in a tight bun whilst the parts that fell were curled and allowed to fall to my shoulders. For makeup; I wore black lipstick, full liner around my eyes as it apparently ‘showed them off’ and Violet shaded eye-shadow. The one thing that I was not allowed to wear was blush as it insulted the dark beings. I walked on over to my wardrobe once I thought I was done, to pull out my mother’s box. I looked at the photos of them both and smiled, hoping that I had done them proud in some strange old way. Moving the pictures to the side I glanced at the necklace… maybe now was the time to wear it.

  I held it up in the air for a moment or two before fastening it around my neck; once it was on I reached up and touched it. The patterns around the blood red stone intrigued me slightly; this wasn’t just any old trinket that mothers normally pass down. It was important to her and somehow showed I was of noble blood. I smiled as I thought about it… me? Noble blood? Well that was something that I never expected to hear in my lifetime. Closing the box and returning it to its hiding place I stood up and took a deep breath, tonight was the night. Tonight I was going to do my mother proud. Tonight I was going to be the only Dhampir in a room of bloodthirsty killers… not too much pressure.

  There was a knock on the door and I knew it was time; I drew a deep breath and walked to the door. There stood a handsome Dante, he wore a black suit which had a yellow patch sewn onto the corner of his left arm, he also wore a green tie and his hair was combed back and gelled down. Some might think he actually made an effort for tonight.

“I’m here to escort you down, but with you dressed like that I may not be able to move” he beamed

“Is there something wrong?” I asked as I looked down at my dress panicking

“No” he laughed “You look beautiful”

“T-Thank you” I smiled sheepishly as my cheeks burned scarlet. I linked arms with him and slowly we made our way down “Dante?”


“Why do you have a yellow patch on your arm?” he glanced over to me “I’m curious”

“It’s to show who the hosts are”

  Once we were in the room I was taken in awe, it looked truly beautiful in here. The guests that had arrived on time were all dressed in scarlet, emerald green, black, purple, navy… well you get the drift. It was darkened colours all around. The other two boys wore suits much like Dante but the ties were different colours, Dimitri’s was yellow and Darius’ was blue. The dates they brought were completely different. Dimitri had brought a young girl who’s hair was blonde, eyes were hazel she had red lipstick on which looked slightly trampy and she wore a red sparkly dress that did nothing for her figure.

“She’s human” Dante muttered in my ear as he noticed I was staring “Dimitri knows as well that she will be a blood bank by the end of the night” I looked up at him wide eyed, he shrugged, shook his head and faced forward. Once I was done scowling at him I looked at Darius’ date, she was very well dressed and stood tall and proud. She was brunette, green eyed and wore black lipstick with a matching colour dress. She was so different to the other girl so I guessed she must have either been a Dhampir like me or Vampire like the rest of them. As we waited for Anna and Armand to arrive I couldn’t help but notice the passing stares and glares I was receiving from the rest of the room… was there something wrong with the way I dressed? Or were they staring at the blonde? “Don’t panic, you’ll be fine tonight” he whispered in my ear “It’s a shame we can’t show your ballet moves” I smiled and lightly tapped him on the stomach before hearing a loud bang of the doors.

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