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 I didn’t sleep much through the night; instead I was plagued by images from my past, mainly of the torment and abuse I’ve put up with. My nightmare did however change and return to the dream about when me and Serena were younger. It was strange, it felt so real to me… more of a memory than something of my imagination… but that wasn’t possible, or was it? I don’t remember anything about my childhood… but to have her covered in blood? No it was crazy.

  As soon as the sun had begun to rise, there was a knock on my door. Groaning and cursing him for calling so early I slugged my way over to the door, once it was open there he was… leaning slightly around the corner and smirking once he saw that I was still in my pyjamas and had very messy hair

“Well don’t you look perky” he mocked

“Piss off Dante” I grouched, turning around and heading over to the vanity cabinet to do my hair and makeup

“Not a morning person are you?”

“No I’m not, especially when it’s not even dawn” I snarled at him

“Early bird catches the worm Vicki” I felt two arms reach around my neck as he began to hug me, nestling his head on my shoulder “And I’ve caught you” that made me chuckle, but I shrugged him off

“Go and sit down on my bed or something, I’ll be a while getting ready and with you… distracting me I won’t be able to do much” he slumped down on my bed and began to laugh

“Never thought YOU would be ordering Me about Vicki”

“Shush you” I gushed

  It must have been at least two hours before I was finally ready, My hair was curled and I had put some liquid liner on at the request from Dante as he thought it would bring out my eyes, which resulted in me laughing at his femininity. I wore leggings, black ankle boots, purple long sleeved top which was covered by a knee length black woolly jumper… well they don’t call them the dark beings for nothing.  

“Well” I said, giving him a twirl “What do you think?”

“I think that women spend far too long getting ready” I placed my hands on my hips and scowled at him “Are you sure you’re ready?”

“Positive” I smiled.

  Once we were in the car, the nerves began to really sink in, what would they do when they saw me? Would they laugh, cry or yell? Would they show any emotion at all? Sensing my nerves, Dante reached over and grabbed my hand, his jade eyes twinkling in the dim morning light

“Are you sure Vicki?”

“Can’t turn back now” I replied, squeezing his hand in hopes to reassure myself as much as him

“Ready?” I said nothing but nodded at him, releasing his hand from mine I turned my head to the window, wanting to clear my mind of all the doubts and fears and replace them with what I wanted to say… what was I going to say? As far as most were concerned back home, I was either kidnapped or murdered. It was sad to think that there hadn’t been more of an effort to track me down or find more information; the news was more occupied with framing convicts and talking about the recession we were currently in rather than any news about my whereabouts or any appeals for me… it was like I either never existed or was never cared much for in the first place.

  Once we were on the road I began to feel better, the gentle vibrations of the car touching the road beneath us felt very soothing, made me forget slightly of where we were heading.

“You alright?” he asked, grabbing my hand

“I’d feel better if you slow down” I smiled sheepishly, glancing at him I saw the corners of his lips curl into a very wide, teeth baring grin

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