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I was told to stay in bed for a few weeks after the attack. They didn’t need to tell me twice either; I was in far too much pain and felt incredibly ill. Anna fussed over me and brought countless amounts of food up and would not leave til I had finished it all, she thought I was far too thin apparently. Seth came in multiple of times and read me books that he thought I might enjoy, I laughed and joked with him a few times about some of them… said they were far too boring for the likes of me. But seeing his face dull, I was quick to apologise and state that I was joking. 

“I’m fine!” I yelled at Anna as she began to fluff my pillows

“You need to feel comfortable” she protested

“I was fine until you started to fuss!” I burst out laughing as she glared at me “Honestly, I just want a bath”

“I will inform the servants”

“No!” I yelled, grabbing her arm “I would prefer to do it myself, I haven’t left this bed once”

“Fine” she bit her lip and crossed her arms “But on one condition”

“Which is?”

“That my son be here” she smiled

“W-What!? N-No I don’t want him to see me like…” I shook my head and looked down at my lap

“Don’t worry child, he’ll just be here in case you need some assistance”


“Good, he shall be here soon. Don’t move” she warned. Once she was left however I threw the covers off the bed, slung my legs over the side and attempted to stand up. It was only a week after the attack and I still felt very lightheaded. Holding onto the sides of objects and the wall for support, I slowly made my way to the bathroom, cursing and nearly falling over a few objects scattered along the floor but I eventually made it there.

  Running the water was frustratingly hard, as I leaned over to the run the tap I ended up cringing and yelping out in pain. I knew that some of my ribs were still broken, which was why I thought having a bath was such a good idea… no I wish I hadn’t bothered. Sinking down beside the tub I clutched at my side, it was intolerably painful but I needed to do this, grabbing the edge of the bath for support, slowly I pulled myself up. Turning the tap off and swallowing the lump in my throat I painfully pulled my nightgown off, it clung to my sweaty skin. I was glad to see it off me to be honest. Once all clothes were off I sat on the edge of the tub and rolled in, the water splashed all over the floor and I ended up banging my head on the bottom… but I was in. Slowly raising my head above the water I smiled happily, I always felt at my happiest in the water I might as well of been a fish… maybe I was in another life… who knows?

 “Vicki?” Dante echoed in the room next to me

“Yeah?” I shouted back in reply

“Where are you?”

“In the tub” I laughed “I ignored your mother” The next thing I knew he was in the room staring at me. I didn’t cover up like I normally did, but just stared at him. He stared at me. There was a lot of staring before either of us uttered a word.

“I was wondering” he breathed

“About what?”

“I-If you were ok”

“I’m fine, thank you” his breathing became ragged, his nostrils flared and he couldn’t stop reaching up to touch his hair. It amused me that I made him nervous.

“I’ll be out here if you need me” Before I could give him a reply he was out of the room and the door shut tight. I sank my head under the water and smiled, I had no idea what that was just a minute ago but I knew that I would forever remember it.

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