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I felt full yet craved for more. No wonder they Lust after this stuff. It feels amazing. The power it awakens in us. I was afraid to accept, afraid to share. Now I will never be afraid, now I will never cower away from those who try to hurt me.  My head throbbed and my ears rang. Dante and the Doppelganger were right… everything was so much clearer and in such fine focus. I could see the finest details of the dead Buck’s body that lay before me, I could hear so much clearer, I could smell the damp in the air whereas I couldn’t before. I had awakened. 

  I held my hand out in front of me to admire it; my skin resembled a patchwork quilt now I could see the finest details. My skin was however smoother to touch yet thankfully still warm. My heart still beat but my teeth remained blunt. I turned to Dante who had a proud yet admiring expression on his face; he knew I would lust after the blood provided… he knew.

“Enjoy?” he asked

“Very much”

“You may have to come with me on a regular basis if you drink that much now” he chuckled “But you may want to wipe your face… you’re a rather messy eater” I wiped the crusted blood from my face and stared down at the buck. I felt sorry for it, it didn’t know it was going to become the livestock of so many races… it was tragic and a little disturbing.

  I rolled my tongue over my lips and could still taste the metallic tinge from the blood; I sighed as I remembered I had drained him dry then turned to Dante. His eyes much lighter than they seemed before, his skin the perfect contrast to marble white and his hair looked thinner than the finest feather. He looked even more handsome with my heightened than ever. He was perfect.

“Staring’s rude Vicki” he chuckled

“Sorry” I gushed “I’m getting used to my new sight”

“I wouldn’t know if there was any difference” he mused

  Once he was satisfied that I was under control of the ‘thirst’  and that I showed no signs of feeding, we made our way back to the house. I had to assure him a few times that I was fine as I apparently looked daze and in a trance… what really happened was that I ended up staring at a tree because the amount of detail that was on the bark… it fascinated me to tell the truth. We slowly arrived back at the house with grins on our faces. Dante warned me that they would be back now and to try and guard my mind from the family as usual. They weren’t to know what I did. Not yet anyway.

“Head up to my room tonight, I’ve told the maids to completely clean yours” he said to me as I began to climb the stairs.

  Dante’s room had changed since my little exploration when I first arrived. All the furniture and even the bed spread were black. It didn’t seem depressing and neither did it feel cold to me. It felt comfortable and it was very much Dante’s style… tall, dark, handsome, mysterious…. Well you get the picture. I walked over to his bed and when I was a foot away, I felt like a child at Christmas inside and jumped on the bed with a ‘yeep’ and grin on my face. The mattress was soft and oh so cosy. It melded around my body and I felt lighter than air, it was beautiful. I don’t think I have ever lain down on such a wonderful mattress… the pillows were feather stuffed and plush to touch. I pressed my head down on the pillow and wanted to just close my eyes and sleep, it was far too irresistible.

  It wasn’t long before I heard the floorboards creek in the hall and saw the door open halfway. Dante walked in the room carrying a bunch of boxes and on top of that laid a plate of food.

“What the fuck is that!?”

“Well mother thought you might want some new clothes, and I brought you some lunch” he smirked, placing all the stuff down “I said the glass of blood was for me… but I brought some up later” he smirked “I had a feeling you may have wanted to have a little drink at some point”

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