Questions and Answers

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 Dante said that he would think about my offer, I told him that I wouldn’t go without him. So if he stayed then I did too. It was time to find out why my parents behaved the way they have over the years, it wasn’t right to make me feel like nothing in my own home. Also, I knew that should I run into Serena and her gang of thugs then I would have someone there to protect me. Who wouldn’t want to have security after the life I have had… even if that security was with someone who drained and drank the blood from humans.

   I was informed by Seth that Candice had been forcibly removed from the household for my own safety, they had never seen her crave for blood so much… not to mention the fact that she wanted to rip my head off. Dante seemed to soften when he was around me, but much like his mother had explained, whenever he was around her he seemed to become this unrecognisable and unwanted hateful, stuck up, pig headed bastard. Upon hearing the news of Candice’s removal he sped off to somewhere deep in the house, said he wanted to be alone for a bit, which ended up leaving me in the pleasant company of Seth in the living room.

“I see you and Dante are getting rather cosy” he smiled at me, his face illuminated by the burning embers of the fire. You’d think they would just get central heating… I mean come on!

“I don’t know what you mean” I smiled, playing the dumb card

“Vic?” he raised a brow at me but I just turned my attention to the fire, watching as the flames ascended and descended, they danced and swirled as if in a ballet, tragically beautiful… much like this world.

“He told me he loved me” I refused to look at him, not that I needed to because moments later he burst out laughing. I spun around and glared at him “What?”

“I knew he would tell you eventually, he’s been denying for ages now” he paused to shift in his chair “He even tried to hate you and make you hate him and everyone here, well that certainly turned out well “ he chuckled once more before running a hand through his hair and shaking his head

“How can he though?” I turned my attention to the fire again but out of the corner of my eye I could see that he was staring at me “How on earth can he love me, especially when he barely knows me”

“My dear, being a vampire… we just know when the person is right for us, it’s difficult to explain to someone who isn’t but I assure you it is very real and very powerful”

“Why haven’t you found your mate?” I asked sheepishly

“I did once, but she was taken from me, much like everyone else I love” I turned to him with a puzzled expression, but without me even asking he answered “They were all murdered”

  I stared at Seth for a while, neither of us moving or saying a word. All this time he has done nothing but smile at me, be kind and very supportive, especially when I wouldn’t eat anything they gave me. But to know he had been through all of that and still managed to out on a brave face… there were actually no words to describe how I felt.

“Seth I…” he waved his hand to dismiss my speech but I shook my head and continued, fighting back the tears as they threated to fall “No, how can you still smile and put on a brave face when you’ve been through that?”

“Because I’m surrounded by those who love and care for one another. You may not want to believe that we are capable of caring for anything, but this family has done nothing but that. I will not pretend that all the families are the same, because as you have witnessed first-hand, not all dark beings are good, most of us are dark, evil, twisted, conniving, lying, hateful… well you get the drift” he smiled at me weakly before he turned his attention to the fire

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