A Loss For Words

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The redhead eyed the ten pence that had been unceremoniously dropped into his hand.His face twisted with confusion before it evened out into an ever-so-subtle smirk.He looked up to meet George's downcast eyes.

"So how're ya gonna tell her?"

"That's the thing..."He scrunched up into himself."I don't plan to."His voice raised in pitch.

"Why not?"The redhead exclaimed,arms thrown out into a wide gesture.

"Because,I don't want her to feel uncomfortable in my house.She said she'd be staying for a much longer time.She shouldn't have to be in misery because of me."Throughout the response his voice changed,Starting as a high,mouse-like squeak and transitioning into a soft whisper.

He was promptly grabbed by the wrist."C'mon ya sad lump,I'm take'n you to Levi.She'll know what to do."

He reluctantly let himself be drug across the English countryside.As much as he hated other people knowing his feelings,she probably would know what to do.They knocked on the door once before being met with her stern gaze.

"What's this about?"Disinterest with whatever shenanigans the boys were in was clear on her face.

Ricky jingled the ten pence in his hand.The two shared a look before her eyes swept over to George's slumping posture and eyes that refused to meet hers.She yanked them both inside and set up a chair for him and lounged back on the sofa.

"So you finally figured it out."Her voice was lax.

He responded with a wordless and solemn nod."I don't want her to have to stay in my house with that kind of dark cloud hanging over her head.She shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable when I'm around.She's having an extended stay and I would hate myself I made it any harder on her.I'd rather just stay silent."

"You're acting like she's already rejected you."She stated flatly.

"Because she most likely only sees me as only a friend."

"Where's your evidence for that?"

"I don't need any evidence.Why would somebody like her want to be with somebody like me?"He questioned apathetically.

"Motivations can be funny like that..."She trailed off as Ricky leaned over and gave her puppy dog eyes,she sighed and let him lay his head on her lap,her fingers combing trough his hair.

"I'd rather not take chances."

Levi's expression hardened at that,her eyebrows knit closer together."No matter what you think,it's not healthy to keep emotions bottled up like that.Especially something like love.What would you rather have,Elizabeth possibly rejecting you and you two have an awkward relationship for a few months or you hurting for much longer and regretting that you never told her when you had the chance?"she kept her tone even and logical.

He paused."The first one..."

"You don't have to do it right now but you will have to eventually.I know you're scared but I believe in you.And it's not good to just stay silent about matters of the heart.And If she doesn't like you back give her the space she deserves,she's not going to hate you."

That calmed him a bit but his head swam with ways to confess to her.Each one ending in cold rejection.The possible outcomes left him hurt.But they weren't reality he couldn't let them swallow him up.He closed his eyes and began to breathe,imitating hamon breaths.With each inhale and exhale his mind regained clarity.

'I can do this,she won't hate me forever.'The phrase repeated in his head like a mantra,it resonated like a bell's ringing.Besides,it didn't have to be now right?Just eventually.

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