A Cold Wind Blows

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Months had passed since school had begun and a perpetually insistent chill had settled in the air.George could hear the crunch of frosty grass underfoot as he walked in the dim light of dawn.Long dead leaves peppered the ground.The schoolhouse coming into clear view.He carried one of his father's old journals as always,now about halfway through the 5th one.He'd been busy reading the Iliad too,making good progress.Elizabeth was excelling in her training as she was now able to walk atop the water with ease and was getting a good handle on the overdrive,shouting included.

Entering the schoolhouse he was hit with the warmth of the room,a welcomed change from the chill of a cold November dawn.The well-stocked hearth crackling as other students made idle chatter.It almost felt homey in an odd sense with the familiar noise and everyone's shared intent to escape the chilly weather.Soon enough he found his redheaded friend waving him down from across the room.He made his way over to his desk and spun in his chair to face Ricky.His expression held barley quelled excitement as he shifted in his seat.

"Do you think it's gonna snow,George?"His already loud voice was raised in excitement.

He casually smiled at his excited friend.


Within a few minutes class started again and they all,for the most part focused on the teacher in front of them.

Like many times before,George had tapped out of the long-winded and uninterested lecture he was supposed to be listening to.Opting instead to read the newest letter from Elizabeth.

"I envy you down in England,its gotten so cold up here.Most of the streams have frozen solid.At least learning how to conduct hamon into frozen water water is fun,it's like a normal snowball fight but much more dangerous.I almost got impaled by hamon-filled icicle!Straits says I should be more careful and learn safer and more practical uses of the snow before combat.I obliged but I'd be lying if I said snow healing was anywhere near as interesting as fighting in the snow."

He looked up from the page,deciding it was probably a good idea to return his attention to the lecture in front of him.But out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of a few white specks fluttering down outside the window.Tearing off one of the corners he began to write,trying best to make sure his handwriting was legible.He quietly slipped it to the desk behind and gave his sleeping friend a gentle shake to wake him.

There was a barely audible,"huh?" before he heard his friend shift behind him.

He could feel his radiating excitement for the rest of the day like the sun itself sat behind him in class.The already torturous lecture only felt longer,each second being drawn out.The letter made him think about all the fun that could be had with all the fun the cold could bring.But it would be even better if he had Elizabeth to enjoy it with.

After what seemed like an eternity they were let into the open air.Truthfully,there was less snow than what was hoped,blades of grass stuck out from beneath the white.It was still more than enough to excite the whole class as they rushed out into the snow.He looked all around across the snow-dusted landscape when something cold hit his back.Whipping around he saw Ricky,vivid hair contrasting against the snowy backdrop.In one hand was white lump of packed so and a beaming grin across his face.With that,George's blue eyes narrowed and he crept down to form his own weapon of warfare.Never taking his eyes off the scenery,making sure not to be hit with another surprise attack.With something to defend himself acquired he backed away slowly.

This fight would have a fair start.After about a minute he rushed forward and with a cry let the snowball fly.It hit Ricky square in the chest and he gave a good-natured huff."Nice through!" He yelled before smirking and brandishing his own ammo.The tricky ginger was light on his feet and rushed towards George,he was now within point-blank range and before the brunette boy could think frigid,packed snow hit face.Standing stunned for a moment,he wiped the rapidly melting slush from his eyes as an idea hit him.With all the speed he could muster he sprinted away and found himself at the familiar tree.He'd climbed it before but now he was scampering up the trunk like a squirrel.His chest heaved as he rested on a thick branch.There was a fair amount of snow collected on the branches and with the little time he had he coerced it into one big chunk.

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