Nurse Anne Catchup

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When you meet: You were dared by some friends to explore an abandoned hospital were some people had gone missing but cops never bothered to search for bodies. You carefully climbed over the old metal fence that surrounded the property to stop teenagers like you from entering it and then you pried open some window before climbing in. "Why did I take this dare?" You mumbled turning on your flashlight as you began to start exploring the halls and you heard something down the hall fall over. You walked slowly and cautiously down there only to find a wheelchair tipped over "What the hell?" You mumbled nervously as you walked past shining your light into every room. You shined your light behind the reception desk when you thought you heard something in the employee only room behind it and walked behind the counter into the room only to see a raccoon run past you "Jesus little guy you scared me!" You stated sighing relieved.

~Time skip~

You finally made it up to the top floor having only found that raccoon and a few odd noises on every floor but on this floor you smelt something foul and disgusting. You entered this big operating room  nearly empty and found the most horrific sight ever, a pile of corpses presumably the missing people. You heard an engine going and looked over to the right side of the pile as a woman in her 20's, standing around 5ft7 calmly walked out of the shadows dragging a chainsaw. She wore a black leather nurses outfit ending at her upper thigh, matching gloves that ended just beneath her shoulders, a black nurses hat and black surgical mask both sporting a bright red nurse cross. She held up the chainsaw and revved it up starting up causing you to turn and run out of the room down the stairs with her chasing you. The entire way down the flight of stairs you could here her yelling "RUN LITTLE RABBIT!" In a crazed tone and you both finally reached the first floor her hot on your heels. You jumped out the window and made it over the fence no problem but turned to see her staring out the window at you.

Hanging out: It's been a week since your visit to the abandoned hospital and your encounter with that odd person dressed as a nurse. You had just got home from work at the nearby coffee shop and you were completely exhausted wanting to make yourself some food when you noticed a familiar looking chainsaw leaning against the wall in the corner of the kitchen. You felt a hand cover your mouth and something wrap around your waist "Sh little bunny." You heard a familiar voice whisper. You trembled in her arms as she carried you to the couch and sat you down "Don't move" She commanded lifting your pant leg up revealing a big cut from some broken glass a few days ago. She sighed and started tending to the wound "They didn't treat this properly" She mumbled. You two spent the rest of the night together with her tending to your wound and you trembling in fear until she had to leave.

When she realizes she's crushing: I'm visiting Y/n again like I've come to do occasionally at least four times a week and I'm tending to another one of wounds. The little bunny is so accident prone and it's kept me busy while I'm over but some of these injuries are a little odd. Some of them are bruises, pretty bad cuts and sometimes broken bones. Seeing those bruises on her soft (Sk/c) skin makes me angry who could hurt such a beautiful girl!? Seeing the pain and sadness in her soft (E/C) eyes is sickening. When I find out who's hurting her I will shred them to pieces and then I will hold her close and cheer her up. I will make her feel loved...I will make her feel loved.

When she confesses and asks you out: You came home from work to find your abusive boyfriend standing on your doorstep and when you seen him you ran for your life. You ran all the way to the abandoned hospital ann said you could always find her and he chased you "Get back here bitch!" He yelled catching up to you. You climbed over the fence and through the window you had once went through weeks ago as he continued to chase you. While running down the halls he tackled you to the floor causing you to struggle for dear life screaming and crying for help. He wrapped his hands around your throat and had began choking you out when you heard an engine rev up "What the fuck?" the abuser mumbled releasing his grip allowing you to flee into a nearby room. Before he could give chase however you watched through a crack in the door as a chainsaw blade was shoved through his gut and he was gutted by Ann who you could hear shouting "DONT TOUCH MY LITTLE BUNNY!" barely over the engine of the chainsaw. She pulled the chainsaw out of his gut dropping his limp corpse to the floor and put the chainsaw down rushing over to you "It's ok little bunny come here" She commanded softly. You ran into her arms hugging her tightly while crying and she held you close rubbing your back "Do you want to be mine? I'll treat you better then him." She whispered softly and you nodded softly still crying.

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