Neo's catchup

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A/N: Here's Nicole's replacement neo's catch up so she's back in the mix again!

When you meet: You're friend has managed to drag you to this party in someone's backyard and yes you were highly against it your an introvert and don't like interacting with people but it was to get her to shut up and stop bothering you so you could study. You didn't even get dressed for a party you wore a (pick a color) sweater and sweatpants with (pick a color) high tops which your friend tried to persuade you into something different but failed. You got in her car and she drove you to the party at this beautiful mansion like house in the suburbs it was big, made out of bricks, the lawn was beautiful and well kept and you could tell the party was going on in the back from the lights and the blasting music. Your friend dragged you to the backyard and knocked a specific set of knocks 'Clearly this kids parents don't know this is happening.' You thought as you were let into the party.
~Time skip~
You were standing there awkwardly in a corner a cup in hand but you hadn't drunk any of the punch scared it was spiked and something would happen while you were drunk or passed out. While standing there looking around nervously getting a little claustrophobic a girl walked over to you she stood at six feet two inches, a slim muscular build, her hair was a bit messy under her beanie but it was obvious her hair was a rainbow of colors and her eyes a yellowish green. She wore flannel button up over what looked like either a white T-shirt or white tank top paired with ripped blue skinny jeans, black and white converses the strings rainbows and a chocker around her neck. "Hey there cutie why are you off in the corner? The parties over here!" She asked energetically with a bit of a flirty tone and warm welcoming smile but you stood there silent "You alright? Someone spike your drink?" She asked. You nodded no still not comfortable with talking "Not the social type hm? Friend dragged you out? Your not the first I've met in that situation." She took your cup "Don't hide that you don't wanna be here! Come on I'll walk you home!" She took your hand just as the music changed to a more rave type music. She walked you all the way home and left you at your front door stunned but relieved to be away from all of those people.

Hanging out:   While you were studying in your room you heard a knock on your front door and you got up to see who it was. When you opened the door there she was, the same party girl you had met the week before clearly tired from the dark rings under her eyes "Hey mind if I crash here for a bit?..." She asked obviously nodding off before falling asleep leaning against your door frame. Against your better judgment you tried picking her but she started falling onto you so you decided dragging her was a better idea and dragged her to your couch and struggled but managed to get her onto your couch. You sighed and got her something to cover up with to keep her warm as it was fall. When you went to leave she grabbed your arm mumbling to stay and for some odd reason you did staying with her until you yourself were tired and went up to bed.

She realizes she's crushing (Her pov):   I sat on y/n's couch waiting on my clothes to get out of the dryer since she let me use her shower and decided to wash my clothes while I was in there. She had left to go to school so I was sitting on her couch wrapped in a towel for now and when I heard the dryer go off I jumped up to get my clothes. I grabbed them and changed on the spot only stopping to smell my jacket 'It smells like her that's were the alluring smell comes from!' I thought my tail swinging out from hiding 'Shit! I'm glad she isn't home!' I thought hiding it again. I sighed and went to sit back down on her couch waiting on her to get home 'I need to know more about her. More then what I've found out just by being around her and her friend. Looks like I'll be skipping work and party's for awhile.' I thought relaxing.

She confesses and asks you out:   You were studying again when another knock on your front door occurred and you got up to answer it hoping it was your takeout. "Hey!" The extrovert who you hadn't seen in months stated smiling holding your food and flowers? "Hi..." You mumbled confused and she chuckled a little "I may or may not have applied for door dash just to bring you your food and these flowers!" She stated handing them over. You took them and went to close the door but she stopped the door with ease "Hey do you wanna hangout this Friday? Maybe a movie or dinner?" She asked and you were hesitant "Y-Yeah sure" You stuttered in reply. She smiled and walked away.

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