When you meet her friend

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Jane: Jane wanted you to meet her friend clockwork and her girlfriend. She promised you wouldn't be hurt and that she would always protect you. An hour later clockwork and her girlfriend arrived at your house for the hangout session. Clockworks girlfriend never left her side and snuggled into her into her lap as did you with Jane. You girls talked, laughed watched movies and ate dinner together. You got along great with clockwork and her girlfriend. Sadly it was time for them to go home and you hugged them goodbye.

Clockwork:   Clockwork has told you that today you and her were going to meet her friend Jane. You knew about Jane and had seen a few ships of JanexClockwork (I don't know if that's a real ship made it up on the spot.) so you weren't very fond of her. You worked to hard on getting clockworks love and weren't giving her up to a stupid ship. When you arrived at Janes house another girl opened the door and then Jane appeared behind her wrapping her arms around the other girls waist. (Well you should know how the rest went by now after reading).

Nina: "Y/N~! Senpai~!" You heard Nina call and knew she only used your nickname she gave you for special things. You entered the living room to find a black haired girl and she turned her head. She had pointed white and black nose, well technically everything about her is black and white except her eyes which were a light gray.(does she have any color guys help me.) "Hello I'm laughing Jill and this is my girlfriend!" She stated as a girl sat up from laying down on her lap. You, Nina, laughing Jill and her girlfriend sat around talking, laughing and even ate dinner before they had to return home.

Rouge:   Heathers been helping you clean around the house and it's because she asked you to. She told you she had a friend coming over and wanted to make sure the house was clean. An hour passed and you guys finally finished cleaning when someone knocked on your door. You opened it to find two males and one had wine red hair the other had dark brown. You felt heather embrace you from behind "Hi Toby! What are you doing here noah?" She asked the two males "Me and Toby were on a mission when you called so decided to stop by on the way there!" The one with wine head hair replied. They told you they couldn't stick around so they left you and heather to cuddle on the couch.

Zero:   Zero wanted you to meet her friend puppeteer and you accepted as long as she stayed close to you. When he arrived you introduced yourself and made sure to never leave zeros side. When puppet excused himself to use the restroom you felt zeros hands start to massage your shoulders "You don't need to be so scared y/n!" She whispered into your ear. When puppet came back from the bathroom you tried to do what zero said and relax. It worked and you managed to stay relaxed the entire time. When he left zero pulled you into her lap to cuddle and turned on a comedy movie.

JudgeAngels:   Your lovable little angel told you that today her friend was coming to visit and wanted you two to meet. When he arrived she introduced him as Helen Otis and when asking his hobbies he said that he liked to paint. You two started to talk about painting all the different types of things you've painted and while you did angel began to get a little jealous. When he left angel sat in your lap facing you and you had caught on pretty quick when it first started that she was jealous again. So what'd you do? You began to leave a love bite with your teeth not deep enough to penetrate but enough to leave marks with your teeth. "W-What are you doing?" She asked nervously "Just letting you know I will never leave you angel!" You replied breath tickling her soft skin. That night you made sure angel knew that you would never leave her.

(There's a special reason Laughing Jill is in here with a mystery girlfriend. Can anyone guess why?)

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