When they accidentally walk in on you

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A/N: This will be in their pov differently from my other book where it was more of a 3rd person

Jane: I came home from a long night of killing as per usual when you work for slenderman and wanted to cuddle my girlfriend while I take a nap but she's not in the kitchen making breakfast like she normally is when I arrive. I started heading upstairs and as I reached the top of them I heard the shower running 'Maybe she'll let me join her and save money on her water bill.' I thought as I walked into her bedroom only to hear the water turn off. I knocked and opened the bathroom door to find her standing there still dripping wet and naked shaving her legs when I locked eyes with her "BABE! OUT OUT OUT!" She yelled embarrassed covering herself with a towel and shoving me back out the door as I laughed at her embarrassment. I sat on her bed waiting on her to finish up still giggling to myself at her cute face full of embarrassment and she finally came out so I got up cupping her cheeks and kiss her forehead leaving black lipstick behind "Sorry hun. But you looked good!" I smiled and she smiled back playfully smacking my arm blushing.

Clockwork: I was visiting my girlfriend after a long day surrounded by a bunch of idiots and I sat down on her couch waiting for her to come home because I hadn't seen her car in the drive way. As I sat there waiting looking around bored out of my fucking mind I thought up a little prank I planned to use when she got home so I got up and quickly went up her stairs. When I opened her door I found Y/N bent down to pick up some clothing only in her underwear and I whistled at her teasingly "Dam hot stuff you look good!" I stated smirking. She blushed a dark crimson red and started throwing pillows off the bed at me shouting embarrassed at me to get out so I acted hurt by the pillows laughing at her behavior since seeing her embarrassed has become a new favorite sight of mine. I went back downstairs and sat back down on her couch knowing that would not be the last time I seen her like that.

Nina: Out of old habit and being banned from seeing her for a month since I failed to do any of the work I was assigned to do I was currently stalking senpai through her open window. When she went into her bathroom with a towel and a change of clothes I climbed through her window quietly before sneaking up to the door. I listened for her getting in and quietly opened the door only for her to open the sliding glass door slightly glaring at me "Nina!" She exclaimed flustered making me giggle "Sorry senpai but I've been banned from seeing you and decided to sneak a visit. Totally didn't know you were showering." I stated that last part with a bit of sarcasm and giggling. She sighed knowing I wasn't going to leave and continued her shower "Just don't try to climb in with me please." She pleaded and I nodded giggling. (A/N: I don't think Nina would accidentally I think she'd know somehow and purposely walk in on her senpai just because it's her senpai.)

Rouge: I was sitting on the coffee table searching through Netflix looking for a movie for me and my little cuddle bug when I heard Y/N enter the room "I'm gonna take a shower babe I pulled out the ingredients for dinner for you I'll be out when it's done!" You stated and started heading up the stairs. I looked back at her "Ok thanks babe!" I stated watching her hips move 'I shouldn't have looked. Great now I'm gonna be distracted from making dinner and work for a week!' I thought to myself face palming. I went to to check the ingredients when I realized one was missing but I didn't know where she kept it so I went upstairs hoping to catch her before she got in and opened the bathroom door to find her still...stripping "Shit sorry babe!" I stated closing the door embarrassed. There was a few moments of silence as we both stood on opposite sides of the door trying to recover "W-What d-did y-you n-need?" She asked through the door "I just wanted to know where you keep your cooking oil you forgot it." I replied. There was another few seconds "It's in the cabinet above the sink" She replied "Ok thanks babe." I stated going back downstairs.

Zero: I woke up from a long nights sleep since y/n made me stay home with her and sleep after another blackout 'With how often idiots crash into shit around her I definitely need to convince her to move so she isn't hit by a car.' I thought to myself getting up and stretching when I heard music coming from the bathroom. Soft classical music the kind y/n uses to relax and bathe while listening so a brilliant plan came to mind as I quickly started rushing down to her basement to find her electrical box. Once I found it I turned off all of the power and rushed back up to her bedroom sitting down and acting like I had nothing to do with it as she came jumping into my lap still naked and wet from the bath "Well well sexy you keep in shape!" I whispered into her ear. She realized she was still naked and jumped out of my arms to dry off and get dressed as embarrassed the entire time.

JudgeAngels:  I went over to my girlfriends house after a long day of work and judging people but she wasn't home. The entire house was silent and dark, her doors and windows locked but luckily I know where she keeps an extra key so I let myself in. I walked upstairs and laid on her bed exhausted when I heard her front door opening so I decided to play a small harmless prank like she always does to me. I climbed into her wardrobe after hiding my sword under her bed and left a crack to peek out of as she came upstairs covered in mud 'Why is she all dirty?' I thought "Stupid piece of crap thinking he was going to mug me!" I heard her grumble as she started stripping. 'Oh no what am I doing?! Do I stare? Do I look away?! I know she's well toned by touch and I wanna see it with my own eyes. But I shouldn't it's not polite!' I argued with myself in my own thoughts before I fell forward and onto something soft and warm "Uh Angel what are you doing in my closet?" Y/N asks "N-Nothing nothing!" I jolted straight up embarrassed that I landed on her bare upper half "If you wanted to see you could've just asked~." She teased grabbing a clean bra and top as I blushed from embarrassment.

Laughing Jill:  There was a point when she did check more then your wrists for cuts. She checked anywhere you could hide them which means she made you strip so she could see every inch and make sure you weren't hiding any cuts. She hasn't done that since because she trusts that you stopped because your happy with her.

Nurse Anne:  She's had to perform surgery on you so she's seen you naked whether it was your consent or not she wanted and needed to save you so she had to remove your top to do so. It was technically an accident because she didn't want to see without your permission but she had to see it to save you. So she's seen you naked and your comfortable with it.

A/N: I know some of these are short and awkward I'm not comfortable with this type of stuff I am a gay male not gay female so it makes me a little uncomfortable. Also you'll notice I removed Nicole and Noah from both books for a full rework since the scenarios don't fit the new rework. Don't worry I will redo catch ups for them! I apologize for the inconvenience and if they don't come out the same as before and you preferred the old variations! But they are my ocs so I'm going to rework them!

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