Chapter 1 - Princess Athanasia

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I gasped, waking up with cold sweat trickling down my cheeks. I look around to see where am I and realized that I was in my room.

"Thank goodness.." I sighed, clutching my chest to calm down. "I thought it was real.."

The door to my room moved open after a soft knock, revealing a brunette maid with a warm smile on her face. It was my nanny, Lilian.

"Good morning, princess," She greeted at me as she walked towards my bed.

I smiled back, finally calming down from my dream. "Good morning, Lily," I greeted back as I get out of my bed.

"Did you have a good sleep, princess?" She asked, putting my robe on.

I hesitantly nodded. ".. yeah.."

"Shall we get you a bath, princess?"


I waited as Lily went to my bathroom to get my bath ready. Minutes after, Lily called me to get in the bath.

I happily went to my bathroom and let myself get wet in my tub after taking off my nightgown. It was a bliss, the water is very warm, a very perfect temperature during morning baths.

"Let me wash your hair, princess," Lily said, lathering her hands with shampoo and massaged my hair. It felt good.

After my bath, there's already clothes on my bed, ready for me to wear. Lily helped me up dress myself and also styled my unruly hair.

I looked into the mirror and smiled, giving my dress a twirl. Lily clapped, staring at my in awe. "You look beautiful princess!"

I smiled shyly. "Thank you Lily."

I heard a knock on my door, I turned and said, "Come in!"

The door moved open, revealing my mom. "Oh, you're awake. I was planning to wake you up."

"Good morning mama," I giggled, walking towards her. "Have you eat breakfast?"

"Not yet, your dad too," Mom replied. "Should we eat together?"


Lily bowed at us as he walked out of my room, walking to the dining room. On the way, we were talking about what would be my lesson today and about our guest.

"Ijekiel is back?" I raised a brow. "So he finished his school in Arlanta? I wonder what's he look like now."

"Last time that I saw him, he was still a little innocent boy," Mom squealed, remembering Ijekiel's face when he was little.

"We're here," Mom said, reaching for the door handle to the dining room. She pushed it open, showing our dining room, there's a table at the middle filled with food on it. I saw dad taking a seat on the chair then stopped as he saw us.

"Good morning papa!" I greeted, running towards him to give him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"Hm, good morning," He greeted back, yawning as he took a seat.

I sat beside him on the left while mom sat on the right. "You didn't sleep early today, papa. That's bad for your health," I huffed, taking a slice of my pancakes.

"I have a lot work to do since we will be talking to our guest later about important matters," Dad explained. "But I promise you that I will get plenty of sleep, so don't worry."

I nodded, smiling. "That's great. But what is this important matters that you will be discussing later?"

"You will know later," Mom winked. "It took me a long time to make your papa approve of this and now he finally said yes!"

"If our daughter said no then no," Dad said, taking a sip of his tea.

"Yeah, yeah," Mom rolled her eyes. "That's part of the deal."

"I don't get it.." I pouted. "Can you just tell me now?"

"It's a surprise!" Mom shushed me.



"Here, Blackie!" I called, sitting down the grass as I waited for my pet to come over to me.

Blackie came out from the bushes and rushed towards me, giving me a hug as he barked. I happily hugged back, laying down the grass.

"Hello buddy!" I cooed, ruffling his soft fur. "Do you miss me?! Do you miss me?!"

Blackie barked happily, nuzzling his snout on my neck. I giggled at the touch, continuing to ruffle his fur.

After a good cuddle with Blackie, I played with him in my garden.

I held up a ball in front of Blackie who happily barked when he saw the ball. I grinned and threw it, "Fetch!"

Blackie ran away to where I threw it. I watched the ball to where it landed and suddenly someone caught it.

"Eh?" I blinked.

I immediately ran to the person who caught the ball. It was a boy who looked like my age, wearing a black and gold suit. His ruffly hair reminds me of Blackie, which made me almost let out a laugh.

"It this yours?" He asked as I arrived in front of him. Is it my imagination, he sounds really cold as he talked to me.

"Yeah, sorry," I said apologetically. "I almost hit you."

"It's great that you apologize, you don't know what will happen if you really hit me," He said, giving the ball to me. "Here, don't go on throwing balls anywhere."

My brows twitched. I'm not wrong, this guy here is a jerk.

I let out a sigh, taking the ball back to me. "The way you talk to me, you're new here right?"

"No," He scoffed.

"Then how do you not know me?" I raised a brow.

This is the first time that I got disrespected by someone. No one tried to do that to me, because I'm the beloved daughter of the king and queen.

Yet this guy..

"Oh, I know you," He chuckled, leaning closer. "Very well."

The way he stared at me with his red eyes, it looked like there's something hiding deep in those eyes. I can't quite get it but I know that there's something.

I shook the feeling off, taking a deep breath. "Really? Who am I then?"

His lips formed into a smirk and leaned back, slipping his hands in his pockets.

"The crowned princess of Obelia, Princess Athanasia."

" Athanasia " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ REWRITTEN ]Where stories live. Discover now