Chapter 4-pain will always leave

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"Right away, come on Elliott" Elliott and Natalie ran to find happy, he was standing by the the car.

"Happy we got a problem" Elliott shifted back into his human form.

"We got a bigger one?" Elliott looked up to the screen, a man with a orange jumpsuit walked into the middle of the read.

"What the hell?" Elliott mumbled.

Two long electrical whips appeared in his hands, he heat from them burned off his shirt, he had his own arc reactor. "I thought tony was the only one who had that technology" the man swung at a race car and cut the front off sending them flying forward into the gate.

Happy walking into the building to get pepper. "Are you going with them?" Elliott asked Natalie.

She shook her head. "I'll meet you later"

Happy came back quickly getting into the divers seat.

Elliott nodded to Natalie before he got into the back seat with pepper.

"Go! Go" happy took off, driving down the read faster and faster.

"There's a gate!" Elliott yelled.

"Were gonna have to get through, Hold on!" After happy said this they rammed through the gate, they dogged as many race cars as they could.

"Give me the case!" Happy pushed the case to pepper. "Where's the key!"

"In my pocket!"

"Shit car!" Elliott yelled. Happy swerved to the right just missing the car. "Happy try not to get us killed!"

They got closer to tony and the man, he had tony backing away him. "Hit that bastard!" Elliott yelled to happy. Happy did so, hitting the guy with the car holding him against the wall.

"Oh god" Elliott let out a deep breath as hit heart was racing.

"Are you okay!" Happy asked Tony.

"You good!" Elliott asked as well.

"Yeah" tony responded out of breath.

"We're you heading for me or him!" Tony asked happy.

"I was trying to scare him" happy responded.

"Yeah and tony was almost roadkill" Elliott yelled over a hyperventilating pepper pots.

"Are you out of your mind?!?" Pepper yelled loud enough to hurt anyone's ears.

"Better security! Where were you Elliott!" Tony pointed to the man.

"When the hell was I brought in this!"

"I was attacked! We need better security!" Tony said again.

"Don't look at me! That's all happy!" Elliott shot back.

"Get in the car !" Elliott added.

He continued to tell pepper they needed better security, as soon as he opened the door, whiplash cut the door in half casing tony to stumble backwards. "Okay this guys annoying" Elliott complained.

Happy reversed backwards before hitting the man again, tony started yelling to keep hitting the man. "What the hell is happening!" Elliott's head hit the seat.

"Football!" Tony pointed to the case.

It was difficult for pepper to hand out the case as happy kept driving into the man.

"Give him the damn case!" Happy yelled.

"Stop banging the car!!!" Elliott jumped to the far right as the man cut the middle of the car.

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