Chapter 47

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Damian's P.O.V.

Damian's brothers were able to look into the box first and immediately started cackling, the first thing he saw was the helmet. Square in the middle of the box was a silver nights helmet, he stole a glance at his girlfriend and saw she was serious.

"Absolutely not."

"Sorry, Damian. It's a costume party and her lady Princess Mar'i Grayson of Gotham has requested her best knight to protect her at this afternoon's ball." Marinette stated as Damian continued to look into the box, all he found were pieces of a knight costume. Jamilati then grabbed the helmet and put it on him and began laughing.

"Oh, don't worry! That wasn't your real gift, here!" Marinette took out another box and handed it to her boyfriend. Damian opened the gift and saw it was two things, the first was a grey t-shirt that had text with arrows pointing to the outline of a cat and a warning sign on the top. The warning sign read: 'WARNING: IN CASE OF EMOTIONS' and the text with the arrows said 'PLACE CAT HERE'. Everyone laughed at the shirt, and Damian pulled out the other shirt. The second was a simple white dress shirt but the embroidered logo wasn't the usual alligator or anything of the sort, it was of a simple teddy bear. The embroidered bear wouldn't be noticeable and was quite small, Marinette did so so he could where it whenever he wanted but always be reminded that he was still her teddy bear.

"Thank you, Ha-" Damian coughed awkwardly, "Jamilati, but good luck getting me to put that costume on. Now, I believe I made a request?" Marinette rolled her eyes,

"Yes, yes, you get one favor. Now, what would you like?"

"What else? To give you something, and now you have to accept." Marinette paled.

"T-thats really not necessary, a-and it-it's your birthday! You're supposed to be the one receiving gifts, n-not me!" Marinette tried to back away, eventually bumping into a wall as Damian stalked forward holding a black velvet box.

"My favor is for you to accept and wear it as much as you'd like. It was meant to be worn and I expect you to do so." Damian said smirking, she was cornered. She hated receiving gifts, seeing the recipient's reaction to the gift makes the hours searching for and preparing the gifts worth it, that's what she loved. At that moment, she understood why he was being so insistent. All Damian wanted was to see her be happy and love what he took the time to get and prepare for her, and she was ruining it. Marinette allowed her childlike curiosity and the small part of her that wanted to accept the gift from her boyfriend take over and she took it with a smile relaxing as she carefully opened the box.

Inside the black velvet box, a sterling silver chain sat gracefully and at the dip there was a matching silver plated pendant, a small light pink pearl in the center of a blooming lotus. The necklace was thin and discreet, beautiful in its simplicity. It was something she'd wear everyday if she had one. And now she does.

"What do you think?" Marinette looked up from the necklace to her know-it-all, sarcastic, dorky, perfect, sweet boyfriend with the most gorgeous eyes she could ever hope to even glance at and smiled before hugging him close.

"It's a fitting gift, the lotus is a symbol of purity. Their roots grow in even the filthiest of waters and still produce some of the most beautiful flowers." Everyone's attention snapped toward the source of the voice, their reactions almost looked rehearsed. Dick grabbed Kor'i and Mar'i shielding them as he moved towards the exit opposite to the woman who spoke, Jason and Tim tensed getting ready for a fight, Bruce immediately stood and Damian let go of Marinette- blocking her from view.

"Thalia." Bruce curtly greeted.

"Hello, beloved, it's good to see you again~" 'Thalia said in a demure tone, Bruce kept her at arms length as Selina walked out following the Graysons, her eyes holding a dangerous gleam.

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