Chapter 12

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Marinette's P.O.V.

"AKUMA!!!!!" Marinette shot out of bed, ready to fight whatever got in her way only to realize that there was no Akuma, there couldn't be, she wasn't in Paris, she was in Gotham. Then Marinette scanned the room to find two snickering Kwamii's trying and failing to stifle their laughter. The bluenette groaned and flopped back onto the bed while Tiki made her way towards her holder,

"Marinette! You have to get up and get ready, you have no idea when the class will be leaving!"

"Ughhhhh... Your right Tiki, what time is it?"

"It's 6 so you have to start getting ready if you want to be at the lobby early!

"Okay okay, if I take a quick shower I should be in the lobby an hour earlier which should be enough to catch the class before they try and ditch me. Tiki could you keep an eye on my phone, in case anyone tries to warn me that the class is trying to leave earlier than expected."

"Of course, Marinette!"

"HEY! Why can't I watch your phone?" Plagg whined.

"Because every time I ask you to do it, you end up doing something else, and then Tiki has to cover for you." Sadly, Marinette had become an expert on getting ready and getting to the lobby as early as possible because of Liar- Lila Rossi.

Of course, it didn't help that the bluenette stayed up until midnight trying to finish off the Robin hoodie patters(AN- a pattern is the template from which the parts of a garment are traced onto fabric before being cut out and assembled. Wikipedia). She was dead tired but she knew it would be worth it when she gave it to Damian.

Marinette quickly took a shower, tying her hair up so she wouldn't have to dry it after, and got changed into a light grey sweater shirt with dark blue jeans and dark brown heeled ankle boots. The aspiring designer decided to pair the outfit with a blue beret and a black with white polka doted shoulder bag. Tiki really wanted to do Marinette's hair but she insisted on it being kept down, once Marinette made sure she had everything she needed the bluenette made her way to the lobby determined to enjoy her tour and the free time that would follow. When Marinette arrived at the lobby she couldn't find anyone, her first thought was being left behind again but when she saw none of her friends tried to contact her the bluenette became more confused and so she waited. And while she waited Marinette decided to text Damian to see if he could hang out after the tour.

* * *

Morning, Mon Étoile, how has your day been?

Mon Étoile
It's been okay, but better now. What about you?

I'm just waiting in the lobby for my class, I think I was actually early for once!!!

Mon Étoile
That's great, Angel. Any plans for the day?

Yes, we have the rescheduled tour at Gotham General Hospital. Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about, we have the afternoon free so I was wondering if you wanted to meet up somewhere after the tour?

Mon Étoile
Of course, I was planning on asking you the same thing. Where and when should I pick you up?

We should be done by non, by the main visitors' entrance at the hospital. Are you sure you won't be too busy? I can walk to wherever you want to meet up, you don't have to pick me up.

Mon Étoile
Don't worry, I can pick you up from there.

You really don't have to, Dami. Like I said, I can walk to where we're meeting up.

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