Chapter 39

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Damian's P.O.V.

"Is it something she did?"

"Yes." Kent almost looked worried, Marinette must have brushed the whole ordeal off as quickly as possible.

"What did she do?"

"She was okay, she- she- she was horrified about what happened. She was on the verge of tears but she was okay. She didn't- leave or break up with me because of what happened. I just don't understand how she could be okay- I think she's making everyone think she's alright when she isn't. She doesn't want anyone to worry about her, but it's all I can think about. I don't want her to go, I want her near me so I can keep her safe but how am I going to keep her safe when I'm what's causing the problems. She deserves better." Damian said angrily but sadly his voice getting slightly louder as he finished." He didn't care who heard, he had to say it.

"She deserves better than a killer." Damian said pitifully.

"She knows?"


"So you feel guilty about leading her on when you think she's going to hate you when she finds out."

"Todd was an idiot yesterday and mentioned my being an 'emotionless assassin' she obviously noticed and asked about it. I implored for her to drop the subject entirely, practically confirming what Todd said. And she did. She's- I don't deserve her."

"She stayed."


"You said it yourself, she probably knows that you have a past you aren't proud of but she stayed anyways."

"She said it would take a lot to get rid of her, I thought my family or the press would be it but maybe it's going to be me. Not someone or thing else, me."

"I don't think so." Damian looked up at his friend, Jon only continued.

"She stayed despite your family, the press, I have a feeling she'd stay if she found out that you're Robin, she stayed for you." Damian took in what his friend said, he was right she stayed for all of those things. Of course he wouldn't assume she would be okay with his past but it left room for hope.

"Thank you, Kent, that was helpful."

"Anytime. So... I heard she got you to stare like a fish the other night~"

"Not to worry, I got retribution." Damian smirked at that, "What about you? If I recall correctly you and your suitor were getting each other 'hot and bothered' before your first date." Jon blushed.

"W-well, I mean-"

"Relax, Jon, there is no need for elaboration I was simply teasing. Unless of course, you would like to share." At this point the room was filled with uncomfortable silence, being more polite is awkward.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm good."

"Let's get to diner then, your insistence on talking about emotions has made us late for supper." Jon rolled his eyes, he was right discussing it did make him feel better.

After diner, Kent and his father left and Damian played club penguin with Mar'i before looking for a frame and speaking with Marinette via text. He went to bed shortly after, thinking of his angel.

Damian arrived at school the next day and was instantly mobbed by the 'mean pepperonis' as Mar'i would call them. He eventually made his way through campus closing the door of the classroom behind him, what he saw was irritating to say the least.

All the typically platinum blond harlot's that usually vied for his attention had dyed their hair blue like Marinette's, except hers was a naturally silky midnight blue and all of theirs were coarse indigo's. Mocking copies. He rolled his eyes before making his way to his seat. Class went on as usual, the harlot's not giving the professor a glance, Damian taking detailed minutes and the students around him copying his neat script or taking photos. When class ended he was grateful to find the halls empty, campus police must have retrieved the heathens.

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