Chapter 23

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Marinette's P.O.V.


"Yeah, Nettie! We told you today was to spend time with us, not make out with your boyfriend!" Alix complained.

"He's not my boyfriend." Marinette said blushing.

"Yet." Chloe finished what Marinette was thinking.

"Um no. That was not what I meant when I said that." Lila said in a matter-of-fact tone before continuing, "Who are you to tell our stories to a bunch of kids like that! Those were personal things that happened to us and you just told a bunch of kids as if they were nothing!" Lila said despite the fact that she wasn't mentioned once.

"Oh relax, Lila, she was trying to calm down a bunch of crying kids with stories about Ladybug! And we all heard them, she kept them super light and put all the blame on Hawkmoth." Alix defended, many of their classmates nodded in agreement. Lila decided not to continue the argument to save face. Ms. Bustier did a head count before corralling them into the bus that had been patiently waiting as the situation resolved itself.

Once the class arrived at the hotel Ms. Bustier gave an announcement:

"Okay class, I notified the school about what happened and they contacted all of your parents. Miss. Dupain-Cheng, Kubdel, Bourgeois and Mr. Le Chien please call your parents they would like to speak with you. Everyone else your parents are requesting you go home as soon as possible and the soonest flight for all of us is in two days." Marinette and her friends call their parents and Marinette's mother and father answered on the first ring.

"Marinette, are you okay?" Tom Dupain immediately asked his daughter.

"I'm fine, Papa. I was with a friend and we were able to get out before anything happened. Everyone is doing well and no one at the mall was seriously injured." Marinette tried to console her worried parents.

"That's good dear, but what happened?" Sabine asked, wanting to fully understand the situation before blindly demanding she return home and ruin her trip.

"One of the Gotham villains attacked the mall with his lackeys and then the heroes arrived and saved everyone!" Marinette said quickly.

"That's good, but are you sure it's safe to stay in Gotham? What if something else happens?" Tom said, always worried for his daughter's safety.

"I doubt anything else is going to happen, I promise to be super careful. I really like it here! And hopefully we'll still visit Gotham U tomorrow." Marinette said trying to change the subject.

"Oh, Honey are you sure you want to go to school there? I know it has a great fashion program but its so far away from Paris and in such a dangerous city." Tom said trying to dissuade his excited daughter.

"Well, I know I applied but I doubt I'll get in. I just want to see the campus, in case I do. When do the acceptance letters get sent?" The bluenette said trying to convince her parents. Marinette knew they'd cave in, it was unlikely she'd run into any other trouble.

"Alright, alright. You have a good point, I think it's fine if you stay as long as someone is with you. They should email you next monday, the physical letter will take longer to arrive."  Sabine said, knowing Marinette really wanted to attend Gotham University this upcoming fall.

"Alright, I'll see what everyone's parents say. I'll text you what happens?" Marinette asked.

"Okay, we love you!"

"Love you too, Maman, Papa." Marinette told them before hanging up to see the rest of her friends were done except Kim who was talking in rapid fire Vietnamese.

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