{Yandere} Gaston x Reader- •No one...yanderes like Gaston•

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Character: Gaston from Disney's 1991 "beauty and the beast"

(Y/n) = your name
(E/c) = eye color
(H/c) = hair color

Gaston's stomach rumbles loudly echoing within the damp caves walls. With the injured man beginning to stir (y/n) comes back into the cave through its entrance holding a bowl of steaming soup. The strong delicious smell takes hold of Gaston making his eyes shoot open. He groans when attempting to move seeing in the damp light he is covered in various cuts and bloody bandages.

"Stop moving or you'll only hurt more." The (h/c) haired woman says sternly yet kindly to Gaston handing him the bowl. Wasting no time Gaston slurps the hot soup down his throat having warmth restored within his body.

The woman eyes Gaston with curiosity waiting for him to finish. Finishing with a belch Gaston hands (y/n) the bowl slowly lying back onto the ragged blankets on the cave floor.

"You must have had quite the adventure to be unconscious for 3 days." The woman says sitting cross-legged facing Gaston.

"How are you? What happened?"

"My name is (y/n). I found you unconscious floating down the river. Then I brought you to the safety within this cave helping you to recover." Gaston nods understanding what y/n has said so far. "You must have fallen off one of the cliffs above the gorge and fallen within the river. Your very lucky to be alive sir?" Slowly Gaston processes what (y/n) said as well as regains his memories of his battle with the beast.

"That damn beast tried to kill me!!!! No one murders Gaston!" The black-haired man sits up and yells angrily before recoiling back in pain.

"Beast you say?"

"Yes, a horrifying beast with long claws, rows of sharp teeth, 10 feet tall and-"

"Alright, alright alright I get the picture." The woman reaches her hand to feel Gastons's forehead. "My you must have really hit your head hard." Gaston slaps (y/n)'s hand away glaring at her.

"I'm not crazy!!!!!!!" He shrieks while Y/n mumbles under her breath before regaining her composure.

"I never said you were."

For the next few weeks, y/n takes care of Gaston nurturing him back to health. The two banter often yet find it amusing and enjoy each other's company. Slowly Gaston is regaining his strength, yet parts of his mental health decline.

Nightmares plague his sleep showing him his worse fears and memories. Sometimes he dreams of the beast throwing him off the balcony or being torn apart by the undead wolfs he has killed over the years. Lately, he dreams of y/n leaving him, finding another man perhaps. The few times y/n does leave the cave to scavenge for food and water Gaston fears she will not come back. Insanity weasels its way into Gaston a little more every day. It only gets worse when y/n decides to tell Gaston it's time for them to leave the cave.

"What do you mean we have to leave?!" Gaston snarls.

"Gaston I'm telling you we've been in this area for months and I need to start my travels again now that you're better."

"But don't you want me anymore?"

"Of course but it's just I need to interact with more people." (Y/n) says nervously. Gaston faces sadness, his worst fear is coming true.

'No I lost Belle I'm not losing my (y/n).' Finally, complete insanity takes over Gaston as he harshly grabs y/N's wrist dragging her farther into the cave. She's fighting back the best she can as Gaston has regained his full strength once more. Y/n screams for help sadly knowing no one will hear her.

Coming to the ledge of a deep pit in the cave Gaston throws y/n into the pit. The (h/c) woman screams as she falls, then bam, she hits the rocky ground and cries in agony. Pain travels through (y/n)'s legs and she realizes that the hard  impact broke both her legs. Gaston slowly climbs down the side of the wall and walks to her.

"I'm sorry (y/n), but I lost Belle and I'm not losing you." Y/n whimpers and cries as Gaston brings her into a hug. The deranged man sniffs his the hair of his obsession; enjoying knowing no one will take his y/n away from him.

"I hate you!! You're a monster!!!" Y/n cries out, trying to push Gaston away to no avail. Gaston dives a dark chuckle in reply.

"Oh, the funny thing is I'm not a monster. Oh no, I'm worse than that. I'm a beast."

❤️ Gaston cut off both your feet to make sure you could never climb or escape from the hole.

❤️ He took somewhat care of you and kept hidden you from the outside world.

❤️ Gaston often used the nickname "pet" for you.

❤️ You unwillingly had 7 strapping boys with Gaston; each one more like their father than the last.
Originally published as One-shot #11

Please comment for constructive Criticism and if you have a request!

You won't offend me by giving me constructive criticism. I want to make the story better.

888 words

Published/Written in 2020 or 2021
Last Edited November 26th, 2022

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