Hades x River Styx Mermaid Reader Part 2 •Garden of Heartbreak•

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Hey, guess what, I'm not dead haha. Sometimes I wish though. Anyways, here's the promised part 2 of Hades x River Styx Mermaid Reader. Enjoy!
(y/n) = your name
(Y/N)'s POV

Hades' arm is wrapped around me, holding my body up as we step into the palace of death. Upon gazing at the first room in the skull-shaped castle my breath is sucked out of my lungs. The front entrance inside of the palace is stunning, gothic, and elegant all at the same time. Interior colors range from hues of blacks and blues. Riches such as gems, diamonds, precious metals with a lot of gold, are worked into the design. This room alone would stun any king in the mortal world. Then again, Hades, besides being the god of the underworld, is the god of riches, including all the valuables inside the earth so it makes sense the amount of wealth in his domain. Viewing the castle from the Outside I never would have pictured the inside of this palace so grand.

Remaining glued to the ground where we had first entered, Hades makes no motives to move forward so I continue to glance around my new surroundings. This time, focusing on the people. Well, creatures. Ghost, demons, gremlins, imps, and gargoyles travel around probably servants in the palace. Some lurk in the many shadows with glowing eyes and some hold a high amount of integrity strolling through the halls. A few of the creatures have golden or black chains around their necks, to which I raise an eyebrow. Is this what Hades meant by working for him? Being a common maid or dare I think slave?

My bare feet grab the dark velvet carpet rug with my new toes. Shifting my gaze to Hades I find his form leaning towards me. His yellow orbs make me feel light as he stares at me, almost seeming lost in thought. The recent memory of us accidentally falling onto one another plays in my mind, reheating my cheeks. Uncomfortable, I try to take a step to the side but end up losing balance. My body fumbles attempting to fall but is caught skin-on-skin contact by a strong lanky hand, which sends a flutter into my being. Hades pulls me back up to his level, our bodies against one another again. Let it be said I'm still in nothing but my mermaid top and panties.

I look at him with a dazed expression trying to keep my slightly flushed face to the side. The god of the underworld pays no mind to my flustered state and takes his other hand to place his fingers under my chin. He turns my head to peer at him.

"Careful Babe," Hades utters with full concern searching into my (e/c) eyes. My insides turn to mush. A feeling that is strange and wonderfully awful.

'You're not his babe (y/n). He just calls people that.' I later scold myself, extinguishing any of the weird feelings and replacing them with dissatisfaction for some reason.

"Thanks, but I'm fine," I express.

Hades comes to a sudden stop looking down at me with a serious expression.

"Let me stop you there. When you're with me I'm in charge. After all, I'm the lord of the Underworld, and I'm saying I'll be assisting you till you manage to properly use those fine legs of yours." My insides turn to jelly. Turning my head I try to hide the rising heat coming up my neck up to my face. I click my tongue before retorting an answer.

"Really, and what if I don't want the help of a mighty god. Are you going to carry me?"

Hades smirks, and my stomach drops from Mount Olympus when he speaks in an overly confident tone.

"Good idea. It would surely get us to our location faster." In one fluent motion, Hades sweeps me off my feet. He carries me bridal style in his muscular arms. His smooth skin brushes against mine, lending me some of his body heat. "Better?" The god of the Underworld asks.

"No," I grumble, feeling embarrassed, but Hades only chuckles.

"Too bad."

A loud cough ahead of us makes both the lord of the Underworld and I look away from each other. There's a crowd of Hades workers and servants gawking at us. Hades' complexion starts to turn purple. With me still in his arms (accepting the fact he won't release me till he's satisfied or something), his skin warms up. His eyebrows furrow in frustration. He glances at me in his arms, seeming to try and contain his temper to not burn me. Hades tears his vision away from me and focuses on his still bewildered servants.

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