{Yandere} Elsa x Explorer Reader •Cold-Hearted Lover•

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Movie: Frozen (2013) by Disney

Plot Change: Frozen 2 and the shorts never happened.

(Y/N) = Your name
(l/n) = your last name
(h/c) = your hair color
(e/c) = eye color

3rd POV

Queen Elsa wasn't as warm-hearted as Princess Anna and the King and Queen wanted to believe. How could she? She was a danger for more than one reason. No, Elsa always had that darkness inside her. The Snow Queen tried for so many years to control her ice powers and emotions. Sadly, in the end, Anna, her parents, and the entire kingdom of Arendelle became doomed.

Elsa froze Anna's heart, and Anna did die right after saving Elsa's life.

Once Anna was frozen, no power on earth could free the princess. The spunky redhead had lost everyone that had or she thought loved her, besides her big sister. And now, that love for Elsa, that desire to make amends, to try and reconnect with her sister like they had when they were young and innocent, brought Anna's demise.

At that moment, Elsa truly realized how dangerous she was and the pain she could inflict on others. She refused to gaze at the ice statue of her sister; it was better to forget about the life she had before. It was too painful.

Now, one would think the Ice Queen would crumble and decay at such a loss and realization, yet she didn't. Instead of Elsa becoming weak, her powers strengthened.

Elsa snapped; all the darkness she had tried to push down so deep came surging to the surface as she slaughtered Hans in cold blood. (Pun intended.) The emotions that had caused her such agony for almost two decades amplified, enhancing her abilities to a console level of energy and ruthlessness.

She shot a large and sharp ice spear through Hans' body, killing him instantly. A malevolent sensation filled the air, even chilling the Ice Queen. She had taken a life, an act she had been terrified of doing since childhood, yet viewing the evidence of her murder victim—blood gushing from the body of the red-headed prince, whose corpse was stuck on the icicle—Elsa felt a twisted sense of satisfaction.

A wicked smirk and crimson splatters adorned her pale features.

She didn't have to wait on others to give her what she wanted, which in this case was the death of Hans; Elsa took what she wanted with her powers. She took instant revenge; what else could she take? Maybe her life? Her freedom? Her right to revel in her curse, because that is what Elsa still saw her powers as—a curse. A wonderful curse to use to her will and to acquire whatever she wants.

And what she wanted was to see what her magic could do.

In a matter of seconds, a blizzard of Brobdingnagian-intensity, the most powerful storm in the history of the Netherlands formed in Arendelle before expanding hundreds of miles around. The blizzard engulfed entire villages, freezing everything in its path. People panicked, desperately seeking shelter from the relentless storm. Elsa stood at the center of it all, amazed and terrified by the immense power she possessed. It was true that Elsa had used a vigorous amount of energy to build her ice castle and the prior Arendelle winter storm; however, in contrast, this blizzard was to new Brobdingnagian proportions, making her prior abilities look like party tricks.

All the subjects of Arendelle that had been foolish enough to be outside when Elsa unleashed her ice prowess suffered the same fate as their frozen princess, transforming into ice sculptures that will last forevermore.

After creating the new storm, it is said the Ice Queen fled to the mountains, back to her ice castle, where she would remain for years.

Meanwhile, the Netherlands and the Scandinavian areas were mirrored by the ice age. Freezing, lifeless, and full of death.

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