Dr Facilier x Reader- •Just pick 3•

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Shout out to @_Kim_Huru_ for the request. Kim writes Sofia the First One shots and I highly recommend you add it to your reading list.

Character: Dr. Facilier/Shadow man
From: The 2009 'Princess and the Frog' by Disney

Plot Change: Usually the 3 cards represent the past, present, and future. In this one shot, they all show different symbols for the future.

(Y/N) = your name 💕
(L/N) = last name 💓
(H/C) = hair color 💆🏽‍♀️
(H/L) = hair length 💇🏽
(E/C) = eye color 👁
(S/C) = Skin Color ✋🏽

3rd POV

It was early morning on the streets of New Orleans, the sun shining, the birds singing, Dr. Facilier hates it. The only plus was that more people went outside when the weather was nice, meaning there would be more people for the witch doctor to exploit. More people, more money he would earn as Facilier always put it. Sitting at his small table with small easel signs on the sidewalk advertising his voodoo magical abilities. Currently, Facilier is tending to a customer with light tan skin, thin white hair making him appear almost bald, sloped blue eyes, and a pointed nose. He wears a lavish yellow tux over his slightly overweight stomach with brown pants and shoes.

"Alright shadow man, attempt to wow me with your cons." The man says with a rude heavy northern accent. He then places a shiny quarter into a glass jar with a few coins already in it that says "$payment$".

"I can assure you, sir, my magic is anything but a con. Now let me see what my friends on the other side have to say about your future."

Facilier states smugly while doing various card tricks with his fortune-telling cards. He then holds them up, with their duplicated backsides facing the man. The man named Mr. Collins sees each card's design has a palm with an imitating eye in the center. The design is reflected symmetrically and horizontally below.

"Go on sir, just pick 3 cards and your future is revealed," Shadow says as if daring the customer to do so. Mr. Collins does as he is told and hesitantly grabs 3 separate cards flipping them over and looking at the pictures.

"Poppycock, these are nothing but mindless scribbles you con man." The old man spits.

"Hand them over and then while finding out if it's really Poppycock." Facilier tries to keep his cool with the customer while slightly grinding his teeth.

Rolling his eyes the man obliges handing Facilier back his cards. Examining the cards the shadow man grins as his purple eyes read the cards. Holding up the first card with the image of a tree on fire he starts,

"Well, sir according to this very card your land will have a fire. Maybe start with a lightning strike but probably started on purpose. How much of your land will be damaged by the flames I am unsure."

Giving an agitated huff Mr. Collins replies, "Sure, sure. What's the next one? I don't have all day."Setting the first card down Facilier picks up the second one with the picture being of a beehive and several bees swarming around it.

"My my looks like you have quite the sticky situation coming your way sir."

Once more Facilier places the card down to grab another one. The final card is a portrait depicting a dead dove surrounded by flames. "Someone's love life is not what it used to be. This one tells of cheating and catastrophe in one of your relationships."

The man has a small nervous sweat drop on his face as he clears his throat."No, no that's preposterous. My wife and I are very happy at the moment and.."

"Mr. Collins! Mr. Collins!" A young woman yells. Facilier turns his head to the sound of the voice and finds a woman dressed in an (f/c) casual working dress has (s/c) skin, (h/l) (h/c) hair in a (style of your choice) with sparkling (e/c) eyes running towards them.

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