13 The truth

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Hunter pov

It had been 4 weeks since I heard from Caitlin. But she wanted me to leave her alone, so that's exactly what I was doing.

Imagine my surprise when first thing this morning my phone rang, and it was her.

"Hunter, I really need to talk to you." She said. Sounding stressed

"Really, after 4 weeks, you need to talk to me now?" I replied.

She said "Yes it's very important."

Well, after all this time, I wasn't going to her she could come to me. I gave her my address and told her she could come here. Kevin was going to be out most of the day so we could be alone to talk. Maybe she decided she wanted a round two.

I took a shower before she arrived. After all, I wanted to look my best. Good thing I hurried because less than an hour later, I heard a knock at the door.

When I opened it there she was again the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Something about those green eyes just captivated me.

"Come on in if you're not afraid." I winked at her.

She stepped in, and I motioned to the couch to sit down.

"So what could be so important after all this time?" I asked.

She looked at me with a blank look and burst out with "Hunter, I'm pregnant!"

I nearly fell over laughing. "There's no way you're pregnant. I'm a vampire, you know that already. It's impossible. If you are pregnant, it sure isn't mine. It's whatever man you slept with after me." I felt a ping of jealousy at this thought. And started to feel angry.

She looked close to tears. "I know you don't think it's possible, but..."

Suddenly, Rick comes bursting in the door. "Hunter Man, what a day." He looked over at Caitlin and instantly stopped talking and looked shocked.

She stood up with a very shocked look on her face. She burst into tears and said, "Just forget I was ever here." ran past Rick and out the door.

Rick looked at me. "Hunter, what have you done?"

"She's the teacher I've been seeing at your school. I just found out she's completely psycho though. She's pregnant and thinks she can pin it on me." I laughed

"Hunter, she's no teacher. She's one of my students. She's only sixteen." Rick said before chasing out the door after her.

I stood there with a complete look of shock on my face. Had I slept with a 16-year-old child? What would cause this young girl to come to me and accuse me of being the father of her baby? After a few moments of getting my thoughts together, I went outside after the two of them.

When I made it to her vehicle, I saw she was in the driver's seat. Rick was stooped down beside her, talking to her with the car door open. I decided to listen for a moment without them knowing.

She was telling Rick all about some things that her grandmother had told her when she found out she was pregnant. The stuff she was saying made it sound like it was a possibility. If her grandmother really told her this, I could see why she thought I was the father. I still believe there's no way I could be the father. My mind was racing.

Complete shock washed over me. Was it possible I was the father? Was there some curse on this girl's family that made her able to bear the child of a vampire? I had to find out for sure I couldn't just take her word for it. It was Michael and Sage's mother that supposedly made this curse. Then they must know something about it. I need to talk to them. I had a few run ins with them over the years, so I knew the names.

But first I need to talk to her. I walked up behind Rick. "I know I was mean, but I really need to talk to you about this. Rick, can you give us a moment."

Rick shot me a mean glare and got up. "Yes, the two of you really need to talk."

I nodded my head and walked over to the car to talk to her.


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