24 Family

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I finished unpacking. Then, I headed downstairs. Hunter must not have finished yet. I didn't see him.

I rounded the corner into a very fancy dining room. Seated there were Sage and who I assumed was his brother Michael. Michael was gorgeous, and if I didn't know he was family, I would have found him very attractive.

He had a square jaw line. He had green eyes and dark blond hair that was kind of shaggy. But it looked styled like that on purpose. He had on jeans and a t-shirt. I could tell from the impression on his white shirt that he had rock hard abs. He stood when I walked in. He looked to be six feet tall.

I introduced myself and reached out to shake his hand.

He chuckled. "Family doesn't shake, we hug." He said as he came around the table to pull into a strong embrace. He had one of the strongest hugs I had ever felt.

At that same time, Hunter appeared from upstairs. "Hello Michael, it's been a while."

Michael released me. "So Hunter, I hear you're the one responsible for my nieces condition."

Hunter looked like a deer in headlights. "I swear she didn't tell me her real age!" He exclaimed. He was trying to explain.

"It's fine, Hunter. I'm just teasing you. Sage already told me everything." Michael said. While walking over to shake Hunter's hand. "Congratulations!"

We all laughed and set down to eat dinner. Everyone ate along with me, so that wouldn't feel lonely.

After dinner was over, I decided it was time to go to bed. "I'm so sorry to cut the night short, guys. But I feel very jet-lagged. I'm going to go ahead and go on up to bed for the night."

They all told me good night, and I headed on up. Hunter stayed behind to catch up with sage and Michael.

For the next week, Sage, Michael, and I spent a lot of time out on the town. We were trying to get to know one another.

We went to a few museums and art galleries. We went and watched some movies together. They also took me out to dinner nearly every night.

Hunter stayed behind, giving us space to get to know one another. I honestly think he just stayed behind to talk to Josie over the phone and tried to work out a plan with her to stop Addison.

I had a great time getting to know my father and uncle.

One night, we got pizza and sat in a park just talking to one another. We were laughing together. I was telling them stories from my childhood. And a few funny stories about my nana.

Suddenly, Sage said, "You can call me dad if you like."

I was so happy to have a dad now. "Of course I will call you dad. I've been wanting a dad my entire life."

At the end of the week, I was sitting in the living room watching some television and in walked another tall, handsome man. I knew this had to be Paul. He looked so much like Michael and Sage. When he saw me, he stopped.

"This simply isn't possible!" he said. Sounding shocked. "You are the spitting image of Olivia."

"Who is Olivia?" I replied

Before saying anything more, he came over and embraced me in a very tight hug. "You must be Caitlyn. I'm so happy to meet you. I am apparently your great, great, great grandfather or something like that." He said with a chuckle.

"And you must be Paul." I said.

"Yes, that's me. Sage has told me all about you. I'm so happy to finally meet you. I would love for us to sit down and have a chat. I really want to tell you how this all began. First, I am going to run upstairs and get settled back in. It's been a long flight. If you'll excuse me, I'll be back down in just a little while."

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