4 Nana knows

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I woke the next morning with the worst hangover of my life. The sunlight coming through my window killed my head.

I went downstairs and got a glass of water and took three Tylenol. Something had to knock this headache. I laid back down for about an hour. When I woke back up, finally the headache was gone.

All I could think about was this crazy guy named Hunter from last night.

There was something about this man. He seemed very interested in me. I was so attracted to him. Yet I was a little afraid. Because even though he looked so sexy. His appearance screamed bad boy to me. Especially the way he was so demanding for me to go with him.

I had heard of the Rosemont brothers. Being from Cumberland, there was no way I didn't know who they were. But I had never officially met one of them.

I met Casey at the Hightop Grill for lunch. She went on and on about this guy she was dancing with last night. I ended up telling her all about Hunter.

"Casey, you can't imagine how gorgeous this man was. He had the sexiest black hair and blue eyes. He wanted me to leave with him. And I really considered it for a moment." I told her.

"You mean you didn't go?" She asked. "Girl, you're never going to grow up. There's nothing to be afraid of." She was constantly trying to talk me into pushing the limits with guys. She couldn't stand that I was untouched, and she definitely wasn't.

Of course, Casey was right as usual, though. I always thought Casey was right. I really looked up to her.

I was so afraid of going all the way. After all, my mother had died during childbirth. I was so afraid that it would end in pregnancy and death. But I still wanted to be brave and go forward with it anyway. I felt like it was a right of passage into adulthood. I was so tired of being treated like a child.

We sat and talked for about an hour, and then my nana called and interrupted our conversation. "Caitlin Elizabeth Brioche, get home now!"

Great, I know I'm in trouble.

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