23 Hello New York

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The day had finally come. I was all packed and ready to go to New York. We were taking an airplane. I was so nervous. I had never left this town.
This was my first plane ride anywhere.

Sage came in. "Are you packed and ready to go?"

"Yes, I'm just a little nervous. I've never flown on a plane before." I stammered.

"Don't worry, I'll be right there with you. And so will Hunter. I have flown many times in my lifetime. I actually remember when the first plane was invented. It's come a long way and it's very safe."

"If you say so." I replied sarcastically. Which I was known to be when I was nervous.

At that moment, Hunter came in and started to get my luggage. "We better get on the road. Our flight is in 2 hours. And it's a long drive to the airport."

The car ride was long, but I slept most of the way there. Hunter and Sage rambled on in the front seat. But I barely caught anything they said because I was exhausted.

The day before we left, Hunter and I went on a hike. He had shown me all around the land that surrounded his home. We walked and talked for most of the day.

By the time I got home that night, I was exhausted, showered, and went straight to bed.

I was still feeling the effects of all that walking today.

We got to the airport. There were so many people. I never expected that many people. We made it through luggage check and through security. This was definitely an experience.

I laughed watching Sage get patted down. Mr. tough guy having to stand there and just take it. He looked so angry. But it was very comical to me. I fought back a chuckle.

We gathered our carry-on luggage and went on to board our flight. We flew first class. Me by the window, Sage beside me. Hunter was across the aisle from us. Still within talking distance.

I stared out the window almost the whole time. It was amazing being up that high in the clouds. I truly no longer felt like a child.

Sage had his nose in a book, and Hunter had headphones in listening to some sort of music, I assumed.

I'm sure Sage wanted to talk. We hadn't got to do a lot of that over the last few days. Hunter seems to monopolize most of my time. But he kept his nose in his book, and I ended up dozing off instead.

It wasn't a real long plane flight it took us a little over 2 hours to get there. Once we were there, Sage directed us to where a car was waiting. We got in.

Sage told the driver, "Let us head home."

I instantly figured this man has got to be loaded. First class plane flights and a car with a driver. He had to be.

As we drove through the city, I was amazed. I had never been out of our small town, and this was almost overwhelming.

The large buildings, the sidewalks, the traffic. And so many people. Every time we stopped at a red light, it seemed like hundreds of people would cross in front of us. You would almost have to run the people over to be able to actually drive.

I was very thankful we had a driver. There's no way I would want to drive here. I think if I lived here, I would walk everywhere.

We drove for a little while and got outside of the city.  It seemed like the more we drove, the less close the houses were together. After a short distance, it the houses were several minutes apart.

Sage said, "we're almost there. Michael is aware that we are going to be home soon. So he has got food for you for dinner."

"Thank goodness I'm starved." I replied. At least they do still remember I'm human and need to eat, I thought to myself.

We turned onto a private drive. There was a large stone fence around the entire property. With a gate. I noticed the driver had to put in a code before the gate opened, and we could go through it. They had a long driveway up to the house.

It was a large three-story home with wooden siding. It looked like something out of the colonial ages. I pictured people in Victorian dresses walking around the yard. It really would put you in the mind of that.

When Sage said New York. I never envisioned this. I pictured an apartment at the top of some skyscraper. Once we parked, an older gentleman came and opened up our door.

"Katie, this is Fred." Said Sage. "He is our Butler. While you're here, if you need anything at all, you let him know, and he will get it."

I was shocked. I had never had a butler or a maid or anything like that. At home with my Nana, I had chores. We shared all the household work. Living at Rosemont's home, I did have to do my own laundry and things like that. I just took care of myself there. Having someone to do everything this was going to be great.

Fred took us inside the house to show us our rooms. The house was immaculate. The walls had a beautiful Victorian style wallpaper on them. The furniture all looked like they were antiques. Beautiful large velvet looking curtains in every room. It absolutely looked like something out of a history book.

"I hope you like our home, Katie. This was my family's home after we moved back from Europe. We travel all over the place. But this is always our main home. And now this will be your home also." He saw the shocked expression on my face. "Now I know that you plan on living in Cumberland with Hunter. But I want you to know this is always a place you can come to. Anytime that you want to get away or just visit or stay forever. It is your home as much as it is mine."

I couldn't have been more shocked. I had never had a large family before. It felt absolutely amazing to have a dad. And for him to tell me that I always had a place with him. When I had felt my whole life that I had no one besides my nana.

Fighting back, happy tears, I hugged him and said, "Thank you."

After a few moments, we finally pulled apart.

"I'm going to have Fred go ahead and show you to your room. After you get settled in, come downstairs and get some food. You can meet my brother. It looks like today you will only be able to meet Michael. Paul is out of town. But he should be back in a few days."

I said, "Thank you again." Then headed upstairs following Fred.

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