7 Danger

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Everything in me said don't go. Yet my voice said yes. What was I thinking.

As I started to get into the car, Casey wispered in my ear, "Be safe."

I hopped in his car, and we sped off.

I could feel Hunter's eyes on me the entire car ride. I was so self-conscious. My hair kept tangling up as the wind blew it all over the place. It was driving me crazy. and the sun was blaring so brightly that it nearly blinded me, so I grabbed a pair of sunglasses sitting in the middle and put them on. "Where in the world were we going?" I wondered to myself.

We were just outside of town when he pulled over in a wooded area.

"Are you sure you're not going to kill me?" I asked.

He snickered and grinned, "Of course not. Unless you want me to."

"I'll pass." I shot back after all, I did know he was a vampire. If my Nana wasn't crazy. I was just going to test that theory a little bit.

He got out of the car and came around and opened my door. He extended his hand to me. I have no idea why, but everything in me told me to take it. So I did. Instantly, fireworks exploded all over me from his touch.

"There's a nice spot down this path where we can talk and get to know one another." He said.

I followed him down the path. It wasn't a far walk before we came upon a clearing.

There was a beautiful river with a bank up high on one side that you were able to sit on, with lots of rocks. The opposite side of the river had tons of beautiful wildflowers growing. Lots of purples, yellows, and reds. It was a beautiful spot. He was right about that.

"This place is breathtaking!" I exclaimed.

I could tell by the smirk on his face that was the reaction from me he was hoping for.

He took my hand and helped me up on a rock.

"I found this place a while back. It's a good place to sit and think or talk and get to know each other." He looked deep into my eyes. "Tell me about yourself, Katie?" He pried.

He looked close in my eyes when he asked. I think he was trying to persuade me.

"What do you want to know?" I asked. he almost looked disappointed that I didn't just start spilling my guts to him.

I told him a few made-up stories. I didn't want him to know I was younger. So I watched very closely the things I was saying. I really liked him even though I knew I shouldn't. I knew he could be dangerous. But something about him begged for me to be near. I couldn't explain it but there was such a strong attraction to him.

We talked for what seemed like hours. I told him I lived with my Nana. While I was saving for my own place. Not a complete lie. I did tell him all about my friend Casey. While leaving out her age, of course. I told him about my mother and how she died giving birth to me. I couldn't shut up. But at least I was able to hide the most important details.

He told me about his brother Kevin. Also, all about Kevin's girlfriend Sara, I felt a little bit of jealousy as he spoke about her. He had a lot of admiration in his eyes when speaking of her.

I did know her already from around town. Everyone in our town knew of her and her family and how she was orphaned after her parents died. I guess I was lucky he hadn't told her about me. I know she knows I'm underage.

All of a sudden, he put his hand on my face. "You're beautiful!" He said. While leaning in for a kiss.

I barely had time to think about what was happening when we heard the loudest clap of thunder I've ever heard. I jumped a mile away from him at that point. I was already scared to death. That made it even worse.

Then, all of a sudden, down came the rain. He chuckled and grabbed my hand and said, "Let's get back to the car."

We held hands and ran back to the car while the rain poured on our heads. By the time we got back to the car, we were both dripping wet.

Instead of jumping in the front seat, he opened the door for me to jump in the back. Which I did, and he climbed in after. As soon as I got in the car, I realized this was a really bad idea.

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