25 First date

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I had been back home for over a week now. I have been spending most of my time alone these days.

Josie, Hunter, and Casey were always going through books and trying to come up with spells to take out Addison.

I was tired of sitting alone most of the time. So, for the last few days, I've been moping around the house. I believe everyone can tell I was pretty miserable.

One day, out of the blue, Hunter approached me. "You know I've been thinking we've never actually gone out on a proper date. I noticed that you've been lonely lately. I think it would be a good time for us to go out together. Have a little fun. What do you think?"

I was so happy at the thought of getting out of this house for a little while. "Sure, I would love to go somewhere! Just let me know when and where." I exclaimed.

The next evening, the two of us drove a few towns over from ours, for our date.

It was a beautiful autumn evening. The trees had just started to change colors . All the reds, oranges, and browns lining the road were simply beautiful. The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the town.

We stopped at a shop along the strip. Hunter asked me to wait in the car for just a moment while he went into the shop.

I looked over. Hunter was walking down the street toward the car. And his hands were the prettiest flowers I had ever seen. He had gone into the shop to buy me a bouquet of flowers. It was a mixture of lilies and irises. It was absolutely stunning.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed.

"You're very welcome." He replied. "I tried to find a bouquet as beautiful as you are. But it was nearly impossible."

I smiled at that comment. He was the sweetest guy I had ever met.

I had been looking forward to this date all day. We have spent so much time together over the last few months. It was hard to believe that this was our first actual date.

We arrived at the restaurant. Hunter came around and opened the car door for me to get out . "I don't believe I told you how beautiful you look tonight." He said.

I was wearing a beautiful blue dress, and my hair was pulled back in a ponytail. I usually didn't feel like beautiful was a good word to describe me. But when he said it. With that look on his face. This time I truly believed it.

We were seated at our table. "Hi, Caitlin," he said. "You look beautiful." He laughed.

I smiled at him. "Thank you, Hunter," I replied. "You look handsome too." We joked like it was our first meeting. Both of us laughed a little.

Once we sat down we started talking. We talked about everything, from our past jobs to our dreams for the future. We laughed and joked, and I felt completely at ease with Hunter.

After dinner, we went for a walk in the park. We held hands and talked about our favorite things. I felt like I had known Hunter my whole life.

When we reached the park bench, we sat down and looked up at the stars. Hunter took my hand and said, "I had a really great time tonight."

I smiled. "Me too," I said.

Hunter leaned in and kissed me. It was a perfect kiss, and I knew that I had found the man of my dreams.

Then we walked back to our car and drove home.

When we got to the house, Hunter and walked to our bedroom together. Still holding hands. 

After making love. Hunter kissed me good night. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and raise our baby together."

I smiled. "I can't wait," I said.

We both could not stop smiling. We went to sleep snuggled in each other's arms. I have never felt so much love in my life.

The next morning we were woken up by Casey and Josie running in our room.

They both were shouting, "we figured it out we figured it out!"

"What have you guys figured out?" I replied

"We figured out how to kill Addison."

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