33 goodbye

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It is now two weeks before my babies due date. She could arrive at any time. The house has been crazy lately trying to get our hospital bag packed. And everyone being around me terrified I will go into labor.

In the middle of all of this, Hunter and I have finally decided to move to New York with the guys. So we have started packing everything up and getting ready for our move there.

Since we destroyed Addison, Casey and Josie have been teaching me magic. I have been getting a lot stronger and can do a lot more spells. I have really enjoyed it. And I do believe that it will help me in the future.

Sage and my uncles, or uncle and distant grandfather, however you want to look at it. Flew back to New York. They were going to get the house ready and set up a nursery for the baby. They were so excited to have us come and stay with them. Like any vampire, they always wanted a bigger family. And never thought they could have one. So this was a second chance for all of them.

We got everything packed and ready to go. You loaded everything into a moving van that would drive to New York and meet us once we got there. Hunter and I would be flying. Being so close to time for the baby, the last thing I wanted was to be in a car driving up there. Although I was nervous about flying as well, what if I went into labor in the air? Either way, I had to get there somehow.

All of our friends came to see us off. Kevin, Sarah, Josie, Casey, and Rick. Even my Nana was there.

I was desperately going to miss my nana. I had got to spend so little time with her over the last 9 months, mostly what time we had together was phone calls or video chats. And she was older, so she barely understood how to work the phone.

I embraced her. "Nana, I'm going to miss you so much. I know I acted horrible the last few years that I lived with you. I promise you I have grown up and I'm nothing like that now. I am responsible, and I'm going to be a good mother, and I'm going to take care of this baby."

Nana started to cry and hug me back. "You don't have to tell me that, Katie. I have always known that you would grow up to be a wonderful woman. I have no doubt that you will make the best mother possible. I have always loved you since the first day I saw you. Just make sure that you call me often. And I promise I will come up and visit you as well."

We said our goodbyes to everyone else promising to video chat and fly everyone up from time to time. And then Hunter and I drove to the airport together.

It was a short plane ride to New York. When we got to the airport I spotted sages usual driver and car. Hunter and I got in, and he drove us to the house.

When we got to the end of the driveway, I noticed all three men standing in the doorway. As soon as we got out of the car, the three of them exclaimed, "Welcome home!"

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