21 Making things right

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*mature scene*

I talked to Sage most of the night. When I finally made it upstairs to my room, I found Hunter sitting on my bed.

As soon as I sat by him, he pulled me down to where we both were laying. He held me while I cried my eyes out.

I cried because I was about to be a mother with no clue what I was doing. I cried because I had been robbed of an entire lifetime with my father. I cried because I was afraid of all the unknowns ahead of me.

After I was finished. Hunter kissed my forehead. Then he kissed me so soft and gentle on the lips. Before, I knew it he was on top of me, and the kissing got harder and more passionate. He whispered in my ear, "I'm going to show you tonight how your first time should have gone."

He slowly took off my clothes and his. His kisses traveled completely down my body. The next thing I knew, his tongue was on my most sensative areas. Sending shivers through me that I had never felt before. He brought his lips up to mine and said this time won't hurt.

Before I knew it. We were at it again. This time, it was perfect. He was perfect. Well, at least I couldn't get pregnant this time. I already was.

I awoke the next morning to a large arm thrown over me. It was different. However, it felt great.

I started to get up and go to the bathroom. When I heard, "Please, just stay in bed and sleep."

"I can't, I need food." I could smell bacon cooking. I knew it had to be for me since vampires didn't need human food. I knew whoever was cooking was doing it specifically for me. So I was curious to see who it was.

Hunter grumbled and rolled over.

I went to the bathroom and got dressed for the day. Then I followed my nose downstairs.

I found Sage cooking the largest breakfast I had ever seen. Eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, pancakes. You name it. It was there. "Good morning, princess." Sage said.

"Good morning." I replied."I'm glad you're still here."

"I don't want to be away from you right now. We just found each other, and I am desperate to get to know you. I know I have missed so much and can't make up for it. I have every intention of being there for the rest of your life." He returned to cooking. "Anyway, I have been thinking all night. I would love for you to meet my brothers Paul and Michael. Get to know the family that you now have. Would you like to go back to New York with me for a while?"

I must have looked shocked. I never thought about going to meet my Uncle's. I didn't even realize Paul was still alive. I just assumed he was dead. He was the one who started this. This whole family drama thing has turned so weird.

"I'll think about it. This is a lot at once. But I'll give you my answer by tonight. Thank you for inviting me." I finally replied.

After a short while, Hunter joined me downstairs. "What are you guys talking about this morning?" He asked.

"Well, Sage has just asked me to join him in New York for a while and get to know the rest of the family." I can tell by the look on Hunter's face that he was not too pleased about this.

"I really don't think that it's a good time for you to be away. We are in the process of figuring out this curse, and there's no way I can keep you safe if you're in New York away from me." He said

"I know Hunter that you are trying to keep her safe. However, I have just learned that I have a daughter after all these years. I want to get to know her. And I can keep her just as safe as you can if not more. I have been around about 300 years longer than you. I understand that she is pregnant. But that doesn't change the fact that she is only 16 years old. She still needs a parent for a few more years." Sage chimed in.

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