32 Addison's surprise

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I could sense someone at my bedroom door. I knew it had to be Addison. As this was our plan. I set up staring straight at her. She looked shocked that I wasn't asleep.

At that same time, Casey burst out of the closet door. Addison had missed her sneaking in there while the guys were playing cards. Casey had a small bucket of gold dust in her hand. She started chanting a spell the second she came out of the closet. Once Addison was hit with the gold dust, she froze she couldn't move. Josie walked in behind her and had three more dust on her. Josie started chanting the same spell as Casey

Addison can not move. All she can do is speak. So she starts trying to talk and beg us to stop.

"I don't know this spell. What are you saying?" Addison sounded panicked. "Casey, why are you doing this to me? You are my family. You were supposed to help me. We are supposed to kill Caitlin together." Addison said this while looking frantic.

Casey and Josie continue to chant. The only problem was that at this point, she already should have been dying. The spell was keeping her immobilized, but why wasn't she dying?

"You don't understand the hazard that comes with these babies! They are half vampire and half human. They have both abilities. Most of them are normal, like humans. But some of them are born different, and some of them have the extra strength just as the vampires do. Some of them have the extra speed. Some of them are bloodthirsty and crave human blood. You never know how one is going to turn out. They are a danger! We have to stop them, Casey! you're supposed to be helping me! Addison was pleading to Casey for her help.

Casey and Josie looked over at me with panic in their eyes. I knew they were wondering why she wasn't dying yet. The spell was very strong for the two of them. I could see blood starting to come out of both of their noses. They were both beginning to weaken.

"There's one more thing you have to know, Casey. The spell that the first Witch cast to begin this curse. It gave these babies the gift of magic. The witch had no idea she was sharing her magical abilities with them. Most of them don't know that they have this ability. But they are just as much a witch as you and I. If trained properly they are very dangerous. Because they have human, vampire, and witch blood. They can actually be more powerful than normal witches! Casey, you have to stop thi. We have to stop her!" She was starting to look a little more confident she could tell she wasn't dying yet, and something was going wrong with their plan.

At this point I can see my friends are starting to fail. They both look close to collapsing. Blood was pouring from both of their noses and I was terrified.

I could hear Addison at this point talking to me. She was telling me how much she loved my mother and how much she really didn't want to kill her. I cut her off in the middle of her sentence. "I've had enough of you. You know absolutely nothing. You are fueled by fear and not by facts. And I will help them stop you."

I walked over and stood across from the girls. The three of us surrounding Addison. I began to chant along with them. The three of us said the chance together. I could see both Josie and Casey getting stronger. And I could see Addison start to weekend. Josie and Casey both stood up with outstretched hands. I also stretched out mine. At the same time, Addison collapsed to her knees. Just a few seconds of the three of us saying this spell together, a bright light came from all six hands. This bright light shot like a beam into Addison. She screamed, but her body began to melt. I had never actually seen a person die before, and this was absolutely terrifying. But still, we continued until the screams stopped and she was nothing but a puddle in front of us.

I noticed all the guys in the doorway behind us. I don't know how long they had been there or how much they had heard. But at this moment I was glad to have them there.

The guys all rushed in and began hugging us girls. Everyone was so happy that Addison was gone. And no one threatened our lives any longer. Sage ran to the bathroom to get washcloths for Josie and Casey's noses.

Once we all had a chance to catch our breaths, the guys told us girls to go downstairs and rest while they cleaned everything up. We all three went down to the couch and fell asleep. The spell had taken so much of our energy that I felt like we could all sleep for days

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