The Great Escape

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My Dads Office. Well Old Office.

It worked, He was near to Heathrow and was next to the M4 it explained a lot. I died and looked around the empty space. I wanted to run. Just run. I needed to get out.

I heard the click of heels coming towards me. They were directly behind me. I couldn't twist to see the face. Fear coursed through my veins but I forced myself to stay calm. I heard the breath on the back of my neck. Then the whispering started.

"Don't speak. We have little time. You don't know me. I hope you never know me but don't go home you can't. Never. Go. Back. Do you hear me." I nodded as best as I could straining to see my aid. The sight never came.

"Down the stairs in the corner. Keep going until you reach the bottom floor and then get in the taxi. Tell him where you want to go and then leave . Never look back."

I nodded again. The ties on my hands slackened and then the footsteps went away again. I turned just in time to see the heel of some skyscraper stilettos round the corner. I stayed there for a few seconds staring at the walls with unfocused incredulity. The words then hit me again. We have little time, I need to go.

I jumped up and then groaned. My back clicked and I stretched trying to iron out all the kinks. I hurried to the steel stairs in the corner. My footsteps echoed around the floor and I winced as they seemed about 30x louder than I wanted them.

Once I was down a couple of stairs I paused. Why was I so eager to follow this escape plan? Someone had taken me away. Captured me and I was willing to listen to someone I didnt know if I could trust. I stared at my feet. I needed an idea.

Shrugging I continued. It was worth taking the risk. I had to be honest. I reached the end of the long flight of stairs I had been following. The metal steps had gone on forever. Finally I reached a thick dark door. I was slightly scared to open it in case of what was on the other side. I still pushed it,

The exit swung open to reveal bright sunlight and a running taxi, I stood there for a while before I heard the cabbie shouting at me.

"Oi Miss, I've been told to take you anywhere" I nodded and then waited while he wound down the window even more.

"Can we go to heathrow?" I asked tentatively It seemed the best place, I had money and I wanted to get far away from whoever my kidnapper was.

"Yup, It'll take about half an hour miss" I smiled and moved to the back, opening the door and then sliding in to the sleek back seat.

I found it hard to relax into the cushiony chair, my muscles were alert and tense. The sooner I got to the airport the better.

The cab pulled away and I sat watching the world go by my window. There were children just getting out of school and skipping along holding their mothers hand. There were teenagers with their friends laughing and chatting.

I realised as I observed that that was all I ever did. Watched others having normal lives, I wanted something like that. It was constantly others having fun and me trying to enjoy it with them, I remembered the first time I saw Jay, the football game he and his friends played.

Jay. My thoughts always lead back to him, What was he doing right now?

Probably forgetting about me, It was always for the best.

The traffic went on for ages, My taxi sat in a jam for several minutes before finally breaking free and soon we pulled up to the airport terminal.

I got out suddenly very aware that I had no luggage and no coat. I turned to look at the enormous building in front of me. When I turned back to the taxi driver he had left. I don't think I had even paid.

Slowly I made my way across the pavement towards the entrance, pigeons flew about me as I crossed the road and then entered the terminal.

I eventually made it to the check in desk where I had to persuade my way on to a flight, I leant against the counter in front of the woman as I realised I didn't have a passport, Why was I so stupid? If I had gone to a train station I could be far away by now. I stare at my feet, my mind going in to overdrive as it focused on my converse.

I smiled at the woman and then stood up straight and walked away, There was no way I could get out now, I slowly wandered into a starbucks. Maybe a hot chocolate could help me now, you never knew the effects of chocolate on the mind.

After I had ordered and collected my hot chocolate I sat down at an unoccupied table. The wooden table wobbled dangerously as I set my drink down on it, I had to wait a minute before I deemed it stable and settled down.

I stared out of the glass window over the massive duty free that lay below me, I saw several teenage girls run past a few shops, they all held signs with words that I couldn't quite make out.

They were followed a few seconds later by more girls.. What on earth was going on? I continued to sip at my drink, the scalding liquid burnt my tongue but I didn't mind, I'm sure it would go numb later.


I panted hard as we rounded a corner running from all the fans, I wasn't up for this today. I just wanted to find where Emily was. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about her since she had been dragged away yesterday.

We had been so close.... I was almost about to tell her how I felt but maybe this was a sign she had a lot of problems obviously. Then again I wasn't perfect either far from it in fact, I spotted Nathan and Siva walking just ahead of them. I caught up with them

"Alright mate?" Nathan asked, I nodded.. "We were just going to pop into Starbucks before we checking in" he continued, Siva grinned at me and put an arm round my shoulder

"Cheer up JayBird" He said squeezing my arm, I gave him a half smile and we walked into Starbucks.

Siva and I gave Nathan the orders and then looked around for a table. I spotted one but it only had two chairs. I stood there for a minutes before Siva pointed to a girl sitting at a table nearby "go and ask her if we can borrow the seat" I nodded and headed towards her.

"Excuse me love.. Are you using this chair?" I asked her, she looked up and my breath caught in my throat.


I was caught up in a daydream.. What my life would be like if I had been born into a different family.. So far I had two brothers and a horse.. The imagination eh?

I was soon distracted by a voice "Excuse me love.. are you using this chair?"

I glanced up and my eyes widened hardly able to believe it.



I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Just gave me a million new ideas.. But if you have any feel free to mention them...

Dedicated to someone I really enjoyed hearing from :)

Next dedication goes to whoever guesses the right song first...

Write my name in skywriting

For all to see

I'll do something epic

And they won't forget




1curlyqueen1 xx

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