Just Emily

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We looked at each other, until his friends laughed again and I jumped. I had forgotten myself. He stood as I backed away from the window.

Our Eyes still held each others, I couldn't tear away my gaze. I kept backing away until I hit the back wall of my room. He had moved further up the garden so he was still in my sight but I could tell I was now hidden.

He scanned the window, his eyes were wide and the seemed urgent and curious. I saw him sit with his back against the fence. Still staring up at the house.

I sank against the wall and held my breath. Slowly my eyes closed.


My eyes opened with the slam of the door. I heard the footsteps of my father trudge from the hall to his room and then shutting the door with a loud bang.

I scrambled to my feet. If my father was only just home then I had a good five hours until he would need me.

As I crossed the room to my dresser I couldn't help but have a quick look out of the window into the garden that I had spent so long looking at last night.

The boys had gone but there were cans of beer and cups strewn accross the grass. I gasped as I spotted the guitar that they had been playing before sitting on the ground. I would give anythign to go and save it from the dew and cold that was probably already starting to attack the beautiful wooden instument.

I heard a groan from the room next door and hastily reminded myself to change. I pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and long sleeved button up top.

I searched for a while under my bed and around the room trying to find my converse. Finally I found them tucked next to the shelf and bookcase. I slipped them on and grabbed my bag. I needed to get out of the house.

I hurried to the front door and quickly grabbed my fathers keys where he always flung them when he returned to the house.

I stepped onto the pavement almost tripping over a loosed bit of brick. I had just gotten my balance back when I was hit by another force that sent me backwards onto the brick wall behind me.

I hit my head hard and felt it begin to throb. I looked around woozily trying to find the source of my collision. I looked up to see a mass of curls clouding my vision until I felt the world slip away from around me and fade.


The pain in my head brought me around, I could feel it hammering in my skull and then noticed how unusually comfortable I felt. My bed was no where near as nice and I had been on the street before.... So where was I?

I heard a cough and I slowly turned my head towards the source of the noise.

It was him. He was sitting next to me, I felt my eyes widen and I sat up only to be pushed back.

"You need to rest," he told me "you hit your head pretty hard"

I took a deep breath, "I promise I won't hurt you," HE continued I laughed a little.

"Ok, I'm sorry the collision may have been my fault, but still, My mum thinks it's because I have some kind of problem, I'm just really clumsy I don't know how I ended up going to a dance school, I think it's just some kind of issue, even Nath is more" He trailed off as he noticed me looking at him

"It's fine, I just really need to go," It was true I could tell it was about midday according to the light coming in through the window, My father would be awake soon demanding lunch.

"No, I'm sorry you can't yet, I looked it up and apparently you can't leave for a bit you need to lie down" He looked apologetically at me His crystal blue eyes searched mine for a sign of emotion. I had learnt from expirience to keep a poker face when I was not entirely sure of my situation.

I continued to stare at him until I realised he wasn't going to let me leave yet. I decided to lie back onto the sofa. I sunk in to the big cushions and looked around me, we sat in an awkward silence. I could feel his eyes watching me and I tried my hardest not to meet his gaze.

After a while He spoke "look, I know this sounds weird but, I could have sworn I've met you before....." I froze it was an innocent enough question but by answering truthfully I came to look like a right stalker something I wasn't prepared for.

"Um no I don't think so, maybe in the street or something" I held my breath hoping he wouldn't sense my lie.

I always found it was more awkward to explain something after you have lied about it because then you have to come up with a good reason on why you lied. At least that was my personal experience.

For instance when my friend had found some of my cuts a few years back, she wouldn't stop questioning me about it until I said it was my cat. A week later she visited my house and discovered I had never had a pet in my life. We haven't spoken since then.

"I doubt it actually" he answered "we only moved in yesterday," I nodded and half smiled. This was strange, I realised I hadn't actually had a normal conversation like this in ages. Dad didn't count he always had something about him, I felt like he could snap at anytime, I couldn't relax with him.

"I'm Jay by the way" He smiled at me, I smiled back without thinking about it, he gave me a sense of security I hadn't felt in a while.

"Emily" But you can call me Ems I added mentally, maybe later.

"Lovely name for a lovely girl" I raised an eyebrow "I'm sorry that was bad" he apologised and I laughed.

I glanced at the digital clock on his tv, two o'clock... I needed to leave, soon. "Emily you need to relax, please, let me distract you." I laughed at how desperate he sounded and them gave in. we started to talk. It wasn't really about anything at first.

I found out he was a vegetarian and loved singing. He told me about his pet lizard and explained his favourite film. I found him wonderful to listen to. it was if he could talk forever and I would never be bored.

I told him a little about myself, the fact I played the guitar, I left out my father and generally all that had happened in the last couple of years. I badly wanted to confide in him but I didn't have the courage to spill out all the darker secrets of my life.

Jay seemed to normal to deal with it. I bet he had a normal job, like a waiter or something while he tried to make his singing career work, had loads of friends and probably a girlfriend, a gorgeous one I mused as I watched his gleaming eyes parole as he retold a tale from his childhood.

No, I told myself. My life was to remain hidden. I liked Jay and I didn't want him scared of by my wreck of a father. Until I felt it was necessary I would just be Emily, that was all Just Emily

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