Damsel in Distress

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I could feel a wind blowing in my face, my hair tickled my nose making me want to sneeze but I stayed deadly silent and still. I was too uncomfortable to be at home. I realised it was the second time in the past month I had woken up with no idea or recollection of where I was.

I tried to think back, remember what had happened. All I could see was Jay's face twisted with anger and pain. His eyes staring in to mine. The image was branded into my eyelids I couldn't escape his shouts.

I gradually became even more aware of myself. My back and wrists were in agony. I could still feel the iron grip of my captor on my body. I listened for a while. Nothing. Slowly I opened an eye rapidly followed by the other.

I was sitting in the centre of a massive room. My back was propped up against some boxes and as I stared ahead at the view I realised how familiar it looked.

There were massive panes of glass all around me. I gazed through them at the waving trees and beyond that the roaring motorway. I followed a plane that was flying low across the city with my eyes.

I furrowed my brows. I needed to work out where I was. A small part of my mind tried to comfort me. Jay could save me. I almost laughed myself.

I had almost forgotten who I was. The old me had gotten through everything on my own. The pain, the suffering and the years of confusion.

Now that I knew Jay, I was prepared to give that up. He looked past the tough edge. I felt safe with him. I didn't need that alertness.

I was suddenly reminded of a Taylor Swift lyric 'Im gourd from the rest of the world, but with you I know it's no good.'

With that thought, I straightened up. If the plane was flying low, we were near an airport. Either that or it had just crashed but considering I couldn't hear any sirens or crashes I could probably rule that out. I quickly praised myself on working this out but then moved on.

I surveyed my surroundings. It had been mid morning when I left the house to meet Jay. It was probably late afternoon now I could see the faint pink tingles that normally showed a sunset coming on.

I listened carefully. There was the cars going past on the road but I listened beyond that to the point at which I could hear faint phones ringing, chatter and footsteps.

I loved being able to hear things. I stopped paying attention to the office noises below me and tried to concentrate on my location. Then it clicked.

I'm so sorry it's short. I will try to upload again soon! But wanted to do a bit more! Please don't be a silent reader I love hearing your ideas and thoughts.




1curlyqueen1 xx

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