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"Good evening, Sister Amanda." Stephanie greeted.

"Good evening, Eziaku. I hope all is well?" Sister Amanda asked.

"Please stop. You're beginning to sound like my mother." Stephanie said admist laughter.

Sister Amanda burst into laughter too. "Well, it's just that I'm concerned. You haven't called in a while and suddenly..."

" I know and I'm sorry.  These past weeks have been hectic. I was really busy and I know that's not an excuse but please try to understand." Stephanie explained.

"You shouldn't be apologizing to me. Chinaza hasn't seen you in weeks, he thinks you've abandoned him." Sister Amanda replied.

"You know I would never do that yeah?" Stephanie asked.

"Do i?" Sister Amanda retorted, still considering taking the blue gown over the rainbow one.

"Fine. I wouldn't." Stephanie said.

"Good, I'm kinda busy now but I would call you when he gets home." Sister Amanda replied and threw in the blue gown. If she didn't like any of her clothes, Pamela would just have to get new ones.

"He went out? Where to?" Stephanie asked.

"Now that's something I can't answer." Sister Amanda replied.

"Can't or won't?" Stephanie asked.

"Can't." Sister Amanda said while zipping her bag.

"Can I come pick him up tomorrow? It's weekend. We could go shopping or something." Stephanie said wrapping herself in her towel.

"About that, can I talk to you about something?" Sister Amanda asked.

"Okay." Stephanie replied.

"I will be travelling to see a family friend tomorrow, I  would be glad if you could come through for me and visit Chinaza daily." Sister Amanda said.

"When are you returning?" Stephanie asked.

"Monday, latest." Sister Amanda replied.

"Well, I could do that for you. I would even love it if he comes to spend the weekend with me. He needs to have a good sleep on an actual bed." Stephanie said, her voice laced with hope.

"I don't have the power to do that. It's not allowed. It's not like you plan to adopt him or something. Moreover if any of the Sisters get to hear of it, it could be disastrous for me." Sister Amanda explained.

"We would just make sure they don't then. He would like the idea and that's all that matters." Stephanie said. She paused and tried opening her soap before she continued. "Bring him out tomorrow as you leave. My home address is Normalinda Extension independence Layout. I would see you tomorrow. Thank you." Stephanie concluded.

"Goodnight Eziaku." Sister Amanda said and ended the call.

If the Sisters ever found out about this, she would be in big trouble and honestly, she didn't want that but it was worth it. Naza would be happy and that was her priority.

Stephanie hoped Sister Amanda would be brave enough to bring Chinaza along, she knew it might cause problems for her but in all honesty, it was worth it and Chinaza would really appreciate. She would use this weekend to talk to him about going back to school, she already had a school in mind for him.

She felt so exhausted and it wasn't even 8 yet, food would just be suspended.
She found herself smiling to how excited Iheanyi was when he came to pick her from the airport. She had actually burst into laughter when she saw him in a suit yesterday, he looked hilarious but nice still. Even when his car was scratched by a Keke, which is widely called a tricycle in other countries, she saw how he fought within himself whether or not to come down and shout at the man, but in the end, he sat in. When they got home,he then told her the only reason why he didn't come down was because he was on suit. Stephanie laughed so hard but she was proud of Iheanyi.

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