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They both followed Chinaza up to his room. Stephanie looked around the room and she felt bad that he had to sleep in such a place.
There was barely foam on the bed Chinaza slept on, he was laying more on the bunk. She decided she would discuss it with the Sister later. She noticed a sister had already brought in a bowl of cold water and a towel to wipe Chinaza's body, so that they could bring down his temperature.

"He'll be fine, it's just a cold." Sister Amanda tried to reassure Stephanie, but she wasn't having any of it.

"I'm taking him to the hospital." Stephanie told her.

"There's no need for that, he would better by morning. Also, we would say the Rosary for him." Sister Amanda said.

"I'm taking him to the hospital." Stephanie said, with finality in her voice.

"Tell the older boys to carry him into my car, I need to call my doctor." Stephanie told Sister Amanda and walked downstairs while she called her doctor.

She drove Chinaza to the hospital with Sister Amanda in the car. By the time they arrived, Stephanie's doctor was already waiting with a stretcher. She was impressed and made a mental note to donate to the hospital again. Chinaza was transferred on to the stretcher and taken into the hospital.
Stephanie saw her doctor walking towards her and she resisted the urge to shout at him from afar to go do his job and not try kissing her ass.

"Don't worry Ma, he's in able hands." The doctor assured her.

"How would you know that since you are here with me?" Stephanie asked, her voice dripping with rudeness.

"Well, madam, you see..."He tried explaining when Stephanie cut him off.

"Stop all this talking and go do your job!!"

She walked into the hospital reception with Sister Amanda saying the Rosary. Stephanie was praying to God, she promised Him that if Chinaza got better, they would both go to church on Sunday. After her prayer, she shook her head, doing things for someone she barely knew. She saw her doctor coming and she hoped he had good news and had not come to gossip. It always amazed her that a man could gossip like her doctor did. She always thought of changing hospitals but the man knew his job so she stayed.

"It's just malaria Ma, he'll be fine." Doctor Paul said.

"Oh, can I go see him?" Stephanie asked.

"I didn't know you have a child." Doctor Paul said.

Stephanie just rolled her eyes and walked with him to Chinaza's room, with Sister Amanda following behind. They got into the room and she stood a little distance away, watching Chinaza as Sister Amanda kept asking him questions. After about 10 mins, she left the room. It was getting late and she needed to get to an eatery to buy food for Chinaza and Sister Amanda who she guessed would sleep at the hospital. She got the food and asked a nurse at the reception to take it into the room, it was late and she was exhausted.

Waking up to bright lights, hospitals scents and wires all over his body wasn't exciting to Chinaza. He didn't have time to be sick and he probably wouldn't have been if not for the kid that took his sweater. He hated hospitals because he was confined to one place and the doctors decided what he could or could not do.
He stood up to go pee in the bathroom outside the halls but was amazed to find out that he had a bathroom in the room he stayed and he was the only one there. He wasn't being treated in a hall, he was in a room. He wondered how much it cost the Orphanage to get him a personal room, he had seen Sister Amanda sleeping across the room. She always overstressed herself, he knew this wasn't what she wanted to do.

He remembered the call he overhead, he didn't know who she was talking to but she kept saying she believes she had paid the debts enough. He came back from the bathroom and woke Sister Amanda up.
She hugged him so tight and made him promise not to hide his sickness again.

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