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All I could do was not speak. I could not think to do anything else. The man's eyes looked sorrowful as he said it, so I wasn't sure what to do.
I was put in my place when he shut the door behind him after giving up on me. I sat there for minutes until I could find even a single crumb that was left behind. I assumed I had killed someone and for as long I could remember I was stuck in an argument with myself. I couldn't believe what I was brought, although it was a clue to my past it did nothing but lead me further away. I didn't want to find out any more as I was afraid I might change and I believed what that man had said.

As I was busy contemplating, the door outside swung open to my surprise quite violently. It had me snap out of my lifeless state and made me jump. I was still astonished at how sudden everything was, as to how it never happened to me before. Just then a girl with long dancing strands of hair stumbled into my room almost as if by accident whilst holding onto a hesitant boy. They both looked as if they were my age and by just looking at them my heart felt heavy.
The girl had two entrancing brown eyes that also looked as sad and sorrowful as the police officer's. She cautiously took steps towards me. Then she reached a point where she stopped and took a deep breath before saying who she was.

A friend, that I had. Such gleeful words she used to describe me back then. I was reassured that I did nor harm or wrong. It was as if she had known me since I was brought out to this world. She had reasons to talk all day to why I wasn't guilty. It put a faint smile on my face at how I had such a caring person in my life. It also made me think why would I do such a thing if I had such great people in my life. The boy nodded along with what she said, I wanted to also believe everything she had said but I was said many things from both sides. It put me in a dilemma that I cannot break out of.
"So do you want to leave this place"
As simple as it would have sounded, it made me feel as if I was at gunpoint. I was guilt tripped countless of times since I had awoken. Although this time I was said many information about myself and I had a choice. From words that wanted me to crawl in a hole to words that I cannot reject. But how would they react if I was no longer the person they remembered. I had not even the few basic knowledge of myself apart from my name and age.
"I don't remember anything" I stuttered out against the shame I could not take over.
As I had expected, their faces were frozen and denying. Even with all that I was still open a chance. They didn't want to give up even with the hurt that they were feeling, which could be told from just their faces.
Just then a familiar voice from afar called out in a threatening manner, "Who's there?!"
It had made me panic and had my thoughts disorganised into shambles. Now the process was rushed, am I going or staying?
I got to go, although it would make me worse then I am now. I selfishly wanted to know more about myself and then I would take all responsibility, I promise to myself.
I agreed to the greeting hand which made everyone release the air they were holding. Until they both paused and the doorknob began to rotate...

《See You In 1000 Years》||  K.TH ✔ Editing...Where stories live. Discover now