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There was in no way possible they were talking about me.

But what if they were?What had Alex exposed me to?What has Alex exposed himself to?Who were they referencing with he and hims?

"Did you see a raccoon?"Michele snaps me out of my thoughts.

"What?"I ask turning the to face her.

"You've had this weird twisted look on your face after coming back from throwing out the trash,what happened?"It was clear she was concerned ad even though I would without hesitating explain to her what had happened;I myself had no clue what had actually happened.

"I'm not sure."I respond honestly.

"Are you feeling alright?"She asks coming closer towards me before putting the back of her head to my forehead.

  "I'm fine."I smile at her removing her hand from my forehead.

  "If you say so."She shrugs."Just don't end up hurling on any orders."She laughs making her way out from behind the counter to deliver coffees.

  "I won't."I laugh back at her before ducking under the counter to rearrange the pastries.

I was just finishing up reorganizing the strawberry cookies when I hear someone clearing there throat.The noise startling me and making me jump only to have the back of my head bang into the top of the pastry cabinet.

"Are you alright?"I hear someone ask as I rub my head while standing up straight.

"Yeah,just peachy."I try laughing it off."Can I take your order?"I ask smiling.

"I'll have a medium coffee,dark roasted please."He orders his hands ruffling his blonde hair.

"No problem."I say taking down his order while he sits at one of the stools lining the counter.I move to the coffee machine section and make his order being careful not to spill the coffee on the counter top or myself.

"Here you go,"I place the coffee in front of him while he types away on his phone.He pockets the phone when he hears me.

"Thank you."He smiles bringing the cup to his lips.I send him a smile before walking away to where I was working and continue finish reorganizing the pastries.


"Why would they give us outdoor gym in the middle of December?"The girl who was standing next to me asks.

"Because they're decorations the gym for the winter gala."I respond not removing my gaze from my gym teacher who was chatting away with another coach.

"What do you think he's going to make us do?"She asks again while a breeze blows by sending a thousand goosebumps rising in my skin.It was freezing.

"Run laps until we pass out."I shrug with a serious tone in my voice making it almost impossible for her to tell I was being sarcastic.

Monday's are probably the worst thing to happen and having pe on a Monday is equivalent to dropping a double Dutch chocolate supreme ice cream cone in sand.

Maybe that's why I'm always pissed off...

My allegations tourney out to be correct and I hoped I wasn't a jinx who brought eternal pain upon herself.

Five tracks.Thats how many we're supposed to run.Excuse me,but do I look like I'm on the track team?Hell,do I even look like I have any athletic ability at all?!

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