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    I waited in silence for what felt like hours doing everything possible to keep myself from falling apart.

   When the door finally did open revealing a doctor in a lab coat I immediately stopped moving and stared up at him waiting for him to tell me Alex was okay.

"Are you waiting for mister Vineyard?"He asks looking down at me. I nod my head quickly, wanting to finally know what happened.

"Is he okay?"I ask feeling my heart clench heart from asking.

  "He has three broken ribs, a heavily bruised right eye, a broken left wrist and possibly a concussion."The doctor reads off from his wooden clipboard."But aside from all that jazz, he's concise so that's good news."He smiles.

"Can I see him?"I ask feeling my muscles ache at just how badly he was bruised and beaten.

"Of course,"He says moving away from the door."If anything seems wrong be sure to press the help button by his bed."The doctor alerts before walking away with the nurse following closely behind him.

    The door closed behind me. Alex looked away from the infamous white hospital walls and directed his attention to me. My chest tightened at the sight of him. His skin looking paler then usual, seeing the bruises on his face was something I would never get used to- and something I hoped I never did.

   "Katie."Alex speaks his lips moving to
form my name. The smile on his face reminded me of the sunset. It would be gone soon only to rise again.

  "How do you feel?" I ask taking baby steps towards him, something in me told me not to get to close to fast; while another part of me wanted only to be next to his side till he healed.

   "Like shīt"His voice raspy like he just woke from a nap."why are you so far?"Alex asks taking in the distance between us.He doesn't wait for my answer before responding again."Come closer."He blinks lazily his swollen eye barely opening.

   "What happened?"I ask nearing him now. He looks at me for a while before closing his eyes again.

   "I love you."He breaths. He opens his eyes slowly looking at me like he felt like if disappear in a moments time.

"Is that supposed to explain your fractured wrist?"I ask trying to swallow all the feels that erupted after hearing what he said.

  "I was hoping."He shrugs laughing. His head moves to the side before he readjust it so he was looking at me again." You know, most people respond with a 'I love you too', Katie."

  "Maybe once you're done getting your aśs beat, I'll say it."I joke sitting on the stool beside his bed.

  "Then consider my aśs beat days over and done with."He negotiates.

  "Why do I not believe that?"I ask raising a brow at him.

  "Because I'm lying."His chest deflated as he exhales before he inhales again.

  "Why do you do this to yourself?"My hand slips into his his hands cold compared to mine.

   "Because I love you."He repeats again sending my heart into overdrive, if he kept this up I'd probably need to be in a hospital bed like him.

  "That's not a reason."

  "It's my reason."His hand holds onto me tighter. "Getting beat isn't that bad."He laughs.

"What do you mean?"

"It could've been worse."He shrugs.

  "Worse then landing yourself in the hospital?"

   "It could've been you."He mutters without looking at me but instead at his lap.

  "What?"I ask don't doing nothing to the confused expression on my face.

"Nothin."He shakes his head giving me one of his million dollar smiles before resting his had back on his pillow.

"Do you know when you'll be out?"I ask not enjoying the silence that was ready to settle between us.

"Not before the dance."He replies.

"Are you worrying about the dance?"I ask holding back the laugh when I noticed the distressed expression on his face once he mentioned it.

"Of course I am!"He exasperates."this was my one chance and I blew it."

  "Chance for what?"I ask confused.

"To see you in that dress."

  "If you love that dress so much? Why don't you wear it."I respond rhetorically.

"Because I don't have the tits for it."He jokes."and I'm pretty sure if anyone can pull it off its you."He complements.

"There's always junior prom."I remind him, knowing well enough I wouldn't spend money on another dress if I wasn't going to be wearing the one I bought.

  "Junior prom is so long from now," Alex whines."Waiting that long seems absurd."

"There are crazier things."I mutter under my breath.

  "And what would that be?"He asks his eyebrows wiggling playfully.

  "You landing yourself with three broken ribs is crazier then waiting to wear a dress."

  "Me landing in the hospital is more normal then you'd think."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's not like this is my first time in a hospital, I've been here so much it's like a third home."

"Third home?"I ask,"What about the first two?"

"The first would be in my home where my mother is."He speaks.

"And the second?"

"Where ever you are."

"Do you always have to do that?"I ask feeling my face flush and heat rose from
my jaw to my cheeks.

"Do what?"Alex asks bluntly completely oblivious to the effect his words had on me.

"Nothing."I shake my head finding the answer to his question unclear.

"How long have I been here?"Alex finally asks just as the silence between us begins to simmer.

"About-"I pause looking down at my phone before back up at him."four hours."

  "You look tired."His eyes on me. "Did I worry you?"

  "What happened?"I ask still holding onto his hand.

  "I love you."He repeats again.

"That's no-"I go to say but he cuts me off.

"I love you, Katie and being stuck in here isn't as bad as what could have happened." The warning in his tone sends me onto the edge.

"What are you not telling me?"I ask him ignoring my heart beating fast.

"A lot."

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